[ Undertale oc's! ]

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[ Human Oc ]

Full name: " Iris. . . Iris Rosevelt. . . what's your's? " Iris O. Rosevelt

Nicknames: " Nicknames. . .? Not sure if I've been given any. . ." [ Main ] Rosevelt, I.R, and Rose | [ Sans/Papyrus ] Rosey, Kid, and Human | [ Toriel ] Violet, My child | [ Frisk ] Rissy

Gender: " ¿. . . " Male| Demiboy

Age: " . . . I'm not a little kid. . . " Because of his baby face most people mistake him for being younger then he really is,, but he's 18-22 [ Depends on his crush and the rp ]

Sexuality: " Eh¿. . . " Homosexual, Demiromantic

Species: " Human. . . "

Appearance: [ I have yet to draw him so take this edited Picrew- ]

Appearance: [ I have yet to draw him so take this edited Picrew- ]

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Personality: " Most people think I'm cold hearted. . . I really wish they didn't. . . I truly mean no harm. . . "

Undertale: Iris is very soft spoken and calm, he rarely ever lashes out and treated all of the monsters with patience and kindness. Even when he first fell down the mountain and everyone hated him, He showed no signs of anger at the monsters, understanding their situation and why they were acting like this. He's also extremely loyal and caring, taking after his ' Mother ' Toriel after being raised by her for a few years. He helps younger and weaker monsters and tends to those who have less then him. But he does struggle a lot with showing his true emotions and how he normally feels, although he's very kind he doesn't talk a lot and it makes him extremely uninteresting to be around and some even think of him as cold hearted since they've never met Iris and had a chance to see his true kind nature because of his cold and quiet demeanor. Which causes a few problems but Iris doesn't mind, he almost always deals with them.

[ positive traits]: Iris is very kind and sweet, always helping out when he can and helps Toriel around the house. While he isn't that popular among most monsters he never holds a grudge and tends to use kindness more then violence in extreme situations.

[ negative traits ]: Because of Iris quietness and inability to talk to others that well, most of the townsfolk avoid him and even gossip about him because they think he's coldhearted, Iris is also very bad at expressing how he truly feels, putting others before himself and hurting himself sometimes in the progress. Some monsters even say he's unbearable to be around because he's extremely indecisive, Quiet and rarely shows to much emotion or expressions, and to some monsters it's infuriating, causing a lot of people to dislike Iris even though he means no harm.

Underswap: Iris is way better at saying how he feels in this Au. He's always jumping around and hanging out with swapSans, he loves hanging out with people and talking to those he trust. Though due to this a lot of people find him a little annoying and unbearable, and Iris cares a lot about what others think of him, causing this kind and caring demeanor to be switched to being extremely rude and snappy, or turning into a complete and utter crybaby on the spot. He's extremely sensitive and tends to hide his flaws and blame them on others, not waiting to take the blame and everyone to hate him. But for the most part he's extremely bubbly and happy, though he doesn't know how to deal with people who are hurt or sad, he gets uncomfortable and leaves the situation as soon as possible.

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