004. scary rich mom duo

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"Stop it man," Cheongsan mutters out of embarrassment, looking down at the ground. It's a little while after Ms. Park and Nayeon left the room. Suhyeok had come up with the problem of needing to go to the bathroom.

"The girls can wait in the other room, and the guys can pee out of the window." Daesu suggests, pointing to the open window. The group groans and tells him to stop.

"What? Isn't it a good idea? " Daesu asks, but immediately changes his mind. "Nevermind."

"My dad told me to always separate the bathroom from where you're sleeping." Onjo recalls. Onjo's father is a firefighter and has taught Onjo everything she needed to know about survival.

As Onjo tells everyone what to do Sora and Wujin try to find a way to get the cupboard out of its place.

"This thing probably hasn't been moved ever since it got placed here." Wujin grunts. Sora and him pull with all their strength to get the cupboard to move.


"This is the weirdest toilet I've ever seen." Sora mumbles, looking at the finished product. Daesu snorts, but stops when he receives death glares.

"Get out," Suhyeok commands as he pushes everyone out of the audio room. The teens complain and tell him to stop pushing them.

Everyone is waiting for their turn to go to the "bathroom". Onjo kicks her legs back and forth out of boredom. The rest of the group is just as bored as Onjo.

"Remember when we blew up something at science?" Onjo asks out of nowhere. A smile is plastered on her face.

"Hm? You mean when the supervisor got mad at us?" Onjo nods at Sora. "And she scolded us for mixing the wrong substances together." Sora giggles at the memory and Onjo loses it as well.

"When we were asking her whether our fire was on because we couldn't see it, and she started lecturing us about wasting gas." Onjo's face hurts so much from the laughing. Sora can't remember the last time she laughed this hard.

"Onjo, please. I just know it's not correct." Sora exclaims. "We're not supposed to put the burner under it yet."

"It says blue flame!" Onjo claims, pointing to the paper they were given. Sora chuckles and snatches the assignment paper out of her hand.

"There isn't even a flame!" Sora points out. "Mrs. Jang, is the burner on?"

Luckily the science teacher never caught them doing anything else, like pouring everything they were given into one tube.

"Science class was fun," Sora sighs when the laughter dies down. "Look! It's your turn to use the toilet."

Sora didn't even need to use the toilet really badly. If there was something she was bad at, it'd be drinking sufficient water.

Joonyeong dashes out of the bathroom, rushing to the open window. Sora crinkles her nose at the smell that comes out of the bathroom.

"Why don't you just stay in there." Jimin suggests as she pinches her nose. The teens stare in disgust at Daesu.

"What, it's not that bad." Daesu pouts, taking a seat. "Sit somewhere else." Hyoryung urges as she scoots away from the boy.

"No one's coming here to save us." Namra notes while staring at the night sky.

"Sora you know my mom. She would've torn the school apart looking for me, but she isn't here yet." Namra tells the teens.

Cheongsan taps Sora's shoulder, "You know her mom?" he whispers. Sora nods her head, "Scary woman."

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