Chapter 11

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"Okay, so you're saying you just shoot it without even trying but, score?" Alex asked as Ella nodded. "But, you never try bow and arrow before." "That's what I'm curious. I don't know how I did it. But, at least we're safe now. Except Carla, who was still mad at Harold," Ella said. Then, everyone except Harold, began to glance at Carla who was still staring at the moon.

"So, Jared, how is she while you were comfort her," Eliana ask.

"Completely more worse. I mean, she thinks she's the one who cause everything or something," I said to her. "I think we should give her a cool off. After that, you apologize to her, Harold," Eliana said. Harold were about to open his mouth but, to close again.

"Hey, we found a lot of food this time," Dash said while carrying the food.

"Hey, Carla. We have a food here-"

"I'm not hungry."


"I said I'm not hungry." Carla snapped at them with her dangerous voice with full of anger. The others just stay quiet and shocking hearing her.

"Carl-" my mouth been cover by Rowena who was looking at me warning. "Okay, just tell us if you're hungry. We're not going to force you," she said but, Carla only nodded.

"What are you doing? We cannot let her starve to death," I whisper her. "Jared, you have already know she has mental disorder and anger issue. We should give her a space if not, you know what happened next," she whisper back.

"Okay, fine. But, first. How did you three know Harold," I asked Eliana, Baron and Roger. Three of them look at each other not knowing what to say.

"He once a school with us but, you know he always cause a lot of trouble so, he decided to transfer to you guys own school," Eliana answer.

I look at Harold and his face look guilty. They look close each other ever since Harold transfer. Not to mention they are cousin. Including Alex and Terry. But, me, I'm her side cousin who called an Uncle.

"Okay, we're back. And also, we don't have to cook something because, we brought a fruit but, we kind of lucky because they are not poison at all," Mei Hui said happily.

"I wonder where does luck come from. Literally from me," Dash said proudly until, Irma kick his leg causing him yelp in pain.

"Don't act like you're the lucky person, jerk," Irma said. "I think Dash's right. Except for last part. I wonder who was the lucky person here," Roger wonder.

"Um, guys? Isn't it just me or Carla has sort of a light at her?"

I glance at Carla quickly until, I saw some aura around her. Is it from some people can't be her.

Carla's POV

I just stare at the ground quietly but, I realize I didn't hear them talking. I turn around and saw everybody look at me.

"What are you guys staring at?"

"Um, you should see your own self."

I gave them a blank look until, I feel dizzy. What the hell is wrong with me?

I don't know what's gotten into me until, I feel in pain and began to scream in pain too.

Author's POV

All of them began to went to her quickly while Jared try to grab her wrist. Carla screaming loudly while the others try to hold her down, scared for being caught.

"Carla, what's wrong with you?!" Ella shout worriedly. Carla stop shouting and look at them slowly until, she faint in Jared's arm.

"What's gotten into her?" Courtney asked. "Her condition seem worse," Lumina added worriedly.

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