Chapter 9

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Carla and Jared turn their head and saw the others were looking at them shock. Jared get off of Carla and reach his hand as Carla took his hand and began to stand up.

"I thought you both were about to kiss," Roger asked as both of them shot him a glare making him shut up.

"Let's just say, it was an accident," Carla said.

"Well, I think we should get going now. I don't like to be in a night time," Ella said as everyone agree. They continue their journey, not realizing something is watching them.

As they were walking, all of them were silent and no one want to talk except someone is eating.

"Who is eating?"

Everyone shrug while looking each other. They began to walk again until, they heard a growl, causing all of them to halt their track.

"What's that sound," Lumina ask. "I dom't know but, I don't like that sound," Irma said.

"Is it just me or it's getting near-"Roger sentence were cut off by a loud roar. Everyone began to panic as they took out their weapon except Lumina and Mei Hui who doesn't have a weapon but, only book, quil and money.

"What is that?"

"I don't know but, I don't like it!"

"Carla, do you have any idea, what kind of sound is that?!"

"No! I never heard of that roar before! It looks like different!"

"What do you mean different," Mei Hui asked panic.

"It seems like it was a new a creature but, different! I think it mad of something and also what it looks like!" Carla exclaim worried.

Until, Eliana and Dash spotted something with a horror eyes and began to called the others.

"Um, you mean... T-th-that...?!" Dash shout while pointing as the others turn around what they saw.

The creature has a ten horn, large size of body, scary looking face, big large teeth and a red scary eyes.

"What the hell is that?!" Rowena asked.

"I have no idea but, it was too big for us to fight!" Terry said while panic.

"Okay, how are we supposed to defeat," Courtney asked. Before Carla could answer, the creature stomp the ground causing all of them to tumble down.

The creature were about to eat them as everyone began to scream while scooting away until, Carla saw a vine and have an idea.

"I have an idea but, all of you must listen to me," Carla said.

"Okay, what is your idea?!" Alex asked began to freak out.

"Harold, Terry, both of you are coming with me while I getting the vine. You guys distract the creature. When I giving you guys a signal, all of you should let the creature chase you at three of us own direction. Got it," she asked when she began to get the vine and went to straight the forest as Harold and Terry follow behind as everyone began to panic.

"Is she trying to get us killed?!" Mei Hui panic said as she shriek when the creature almost step on her.

"Let's just do as she said if we don't want to die!" Jared shout as he went to distract the creature along with Alex, Baron, Roger and Dash, leaving the girls behind dumbfounded. 

The girls have no choice but, went to distract them.

"Hey, monster face! Come and get me if you want!" Irma said while trying to do something funny, she make the wrong moves because the creature went to step on her.

"You shouldn't have to do like that!"

"Then, what else can I do then?!"

As they were distract the creature, Carla gave them a signal to led the creature.

"Hey, butt face! Follow us!!!"

The creature began to chase them while the others running to Carla's direction. And then, as the creature were almost reach, Carla shout.

"Harold, Terry! Now!!"

Harold and Terry pull the vine until, the creature fell over the cliff. Carla were about to walk away until, she fall down and began to drag.

"Guys! A little help!!!" She shriek as everyone began to went toward her quickly. Carla were almost to the end of the cliff until, Jared quickly grab her hand when the others hold him.

"Hold on!!!"

"Don't let go!!"

The creature were pulling Carla's leg harder as Carla had enough.

"Okay, that's it!" Jared began to look at her wide eyes. "W-what are you talking about?!"

"I had enough of this thing!" She said as she kick the stone harder and harder and the creature has already fall down.

Jared began to pulled her up until Carla lie down on the ground.

"Well, that went well," Lumina said as she panted.

"Carla, how about you?"

Everyone began to look at Carla as she sit up. "I swear if we gotten into some trouble again, I will not hesitate to punch them into their faces," she said while standing up, leaving everyone quiver in fear.

It was a night time and they decided to sleep before they continue tomorrow morning.

Everyone is asleep while Jared decided to take a night watch. He was thinking about something or someone.

'Hm, how are we supposed to get home if we have already to that mountain?' Jared thought until, his thought been interupt by a voice.

"Still awake," Rowena asked. "Yeah. I'm just worry there's a bad people. How about you?"

"Cannot sleep but, not just me," Rowena said as Jared look behind her and saw the others as well but, only Carla who was a asleep.

"Okay so, what's the reason?"

The others hesitate while looking each other as Jared just look at them confuse.

"We have something to tell you, Jared," Alex said. "Okay," Jared said. "It's about Carla," Ella said quickly while Jared just stare at them.

"Fine. Just tell me what is it-"

"She has a mantel disorder." Terry said quickly causing Jared to be quiet and slowly turn to them.

"What are you talking about?"

"Jared. I know you feel curious why she's being like that but, the reason why she's been like that, is that she's change. After you and her own argument, she told me she has a mantel disorder and anxiety. She told me everything but, couldn't tell enough. So, the old Carla you know is hiding and the Carla you're talking to is the New Carla," Rowena finish.

Jared couldn't believe what he just heard. After all this time, he never thought Carla could become like that. And the reason why she's like that.

"Why didn't she....?"

"Because she don't want all of us to worry. That's why-"

"But, she's still our friend," Jared said while looking at them disbelief.

"Um, hello? The reason why Carla didn't told you, Jared, because she thought that you didn't care so, she decided to keep a secret," Rowena arguing while the others just look at them.

"Both of you quiet, please? We should go back to sleep," Alex suggest.

Rowena take a last glance at Jared and went back to sleep.

Jared sit down while he was feeling guilty after what he had heard just now.

But, what they didn't realize is that Carla has been awake the whole time while tearing and the person is watching them worried.

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