meeting of times

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Winry just finished fixing up her next customer for the day. Ever since she started working for Garfiel, her skills as a mechanic improved tremendously. Garfiel may be a eccentric, but he was a great automail engineer!

The mechanic opened the garage of the shop, making her way outside. She stretched out her tired limbs, enjoying the beat of the sun's rays against her skin.


The blonde girl perked up when she heard a familiar feminine voice call her name. The figures made their appearances known in her line of vision.

"Ed! Al! Naruko! Welcome back!" Winry called out to them, waving happily.

Naruko sprinted up to the younger blonde with a speed of hurricane, and clasped her hands, cerulean blue eyes beaming with excitement. The older woman was practically bouncing on her fight.

"Hehe! What's gotten you so excited about, Naruko?" Winry questioned with a smile.

The blonde kunoichi whistled. "Oh, nothing!"

"Hey, Winry."

"Hi, Winry!"

Both Edward and Alphonse greeted their blonde childhood friend as they approached the duo.

Winry's pale blue eyes threw Ed an accusatory glare. "What have you done to your automail this time, Ed?"

"We haven't seen you in over a week, and that's the first thing you have to say to me?!" Ed shouted, indignantly.

The blonde mechanic crossed her arms, frowning. "Well, excuse me! Because every time you do come to visit me, it's because you need repairs on your automail."

Her frown seemed to soften into a small, pleased smile. "But it looks like for once, you didn't ruin all my hardwork. We should probably give your automail some maintenance, Ed, because I highly doubt you did it yourself," she finished, motioning for them to come inside.

Edward grumbled under her breath, and proceeded to walk inside the automail shop with Alphonse by his toes.

"While you guys do that, I'm going out!" Naruko announced, gleefully before racing off, leaving Winry somewhat confused.

"What was that all about?" she asked herself.

Naruko eagerly hopped from rooftop to rooftop across the streets of Rush Valley, her two inch heels clicking silently against the hard surface. A brief sudden conscious reminder to act inconspicuous. She could help the burst of adrenaline and excitement she felt.

She was finally going to meet her!

She was finally going meet ino! and Neij was coming as well

Can anyone blame her for being  she was finely going to be  meeting  her best friend  and the one of the only one that was there to help thought homesickness flashback Naruko was very homesick she miss her Edward and Alphonse her brothers she had got news that her mother had died and she could not attend the funeral.  "hey you ok" said Ino "huh she said yeah I'm find she said putting her smile that hide her sadness" "no your not I can tell" said Ino in concern "fine I just got a letter from Resembool my mum the one who rise since I was there she's  dead and I'm not allowed to go to the funeral and knowing my knuckleheaded brothers they will to someing reckless and as their big sister I'm supposed to keep them safe" "hey it's  ok we're your friends where here for you" ino smlied stiff really yes said Naruko wiping her tears flashback ends

  "hey you ok" said Ino "huh she said yeah I'm find she said putting her smile that hide her sadness" "no your not I can tell" said Ino in concern "fine I just got a letter from Resembool my mum the one who rise since I was there she's  dead and I...

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"hey ,ino" I say carrying Trisha her daughter as she was with a boy tusude's age named Inojin hey Naruko I say as she coos at Trisha as we walked backed to the workshop as I handed Trisha to sasuke inojin-chan says tusude as they hugged as sasuke ...

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"hey ,ino" I say carrying Trisha her daughter as she was with a boy tusude's age named Inojin hey Naruko I say as she coos at Trisha as we walked backed to the workshop as I handed Trisha to sasuke inojin-chan says tusude as they hugged as sasuke gives him a get away from my daughter look i giggled over "protective father alert  sasuke their both two played

"hey ,ino" I say carrying Trisha her daughter as she was with a boy tusude's age named Inojin hey Naruko I say as she coos at Trisha as we walked backed to the workshop as I handed Trisha to sasuke inojin-chan says tusude as they hugged as sasuke ...

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(There younger)

Naruko's Little Borther edward And Alphonse Where stories live. Discover now