Chapter 28

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Rosè P.o.V

I do keep waiting taehyung for almost 10 hours already.

Earlier in the hospital.....

" Sorry, Miss Rosè but we detetct that you have ovarian cancer " My obgyne stated. At first i was shock but then i smiled

" I'll get going Dr. Thank you " I said and bow at her as sign of respect.

I was exiting the hospital when I said to myself that.

" Maybe it's my karma, already " i wiped my tears as i remember every happy moments with my bestfriend, Y/n.

" Hey babe, how are you? " She said to me, I guess she noticed that something strange cause since ee get here on the university, I do not talk too much which I do not usually doing.

" I'm okay y/n-niee " I said, and continue what i am doing, which specifically writing and reading a book which related to our course and subject later.

" No, You're not " She said, aishh this girl.

" I'm okay, look, I'm smiling already " I said and showed my smile to her.

" Look at that boy, You seems look good together " She stated and even point the boy who is she referring to. I got embarassed and nervous as well causing me to put her finger down while her, she's just laughing with the others.

" Sorry HAHAHA " She stated while holding her tummy.

This is my birthday, and everyone came.

Y/n is holding the cake as i started to blow it she put icing on my face while the others do the same thing making me laugh my ass off.

Me and Y/n are walking, while holding our hands together and even swinging it to the air.

" Aww so lucky bestayyy. Your crush is here " She stated and point the guy who she is referring which is the same guy who we saw on the cafeteria.

I slowly parted my ways from her, making her laugh and run.

" I like you y/n " i heard the guy i liked which is kim taehyung, confessing to my friend.

It hurts and stabbed me hundred times.

Starting from that day, i distanced myself to y/n and even from the others.

I know this one is cruel thing to do and i know they are now married but i can't help it. I want him

" okay then, Kim Taehyung's parents agreed on our deal " My dad said, making me smiled and run to my room and imagined many things which it makes me fluttered.

I am really sorry y/n....

Seeing you crying and begging for taehyung's attention makes me also hurt but because of my desires you suffered a lot.

Two birds of a feather
Say that they're always gonna stay together

This song started to echoed my car.

We used to say to each other that we're going to stay and will always got each others back and even promise to each other that we will not let hurt each other.

But look at us now, I hurt her a lot. And i think having this cancer will be okay atleast i will pay everything and still i will apologize to her personally.

Because of me, Everything was destroyed

I wiped my tears, and hold my luggages at my side as i saw taehyung coming inside of the house.

I even look at their family picture. The look so happy but because of me, Those smiles turn to tears.

Taehyung arrived and I smiled at him.

" I am now leaving, Sorry if I caused too much... Your mom sent her apologies to you " I said, I wanted to cry but i hold my emotions back.

I don't want him to pity me anymore. I want him to feel that he is already free from the cage i made.

I gave to him the letter that his parents made for him

Earlier at the coffee shop...

" Rosè, Even i wanted to face him and apologize to him personally. You know him, he will just get mad. So please, just send this to him " his mom said, which i just gladly nod my head and get the paper.

" I will assure that taehyung will recieve this " I stated before going out from the coffee shop.

Taehyung accept the paper, And I look at him for the last time before going out but before totally leave the house.

"Do everything tae, to make your family come back to you. I'm really sorry " I said and left him there.

I go to our house and greeted by our maids.

I was holding back my tears, But mama look at me and hug me. That is the time i completely lose everything and cried at her embrace.

I saw my dad looking at us from the stairs, he smiled at me and go to us. He gently rub my back

" Finally, My daughter was back from her old self. We missed you so much " My dad said as i became more emotional.

And i realize that, I am now on my home.

I hug them both and they even kiss my both cheeks.

I am so very lucky to have a parents like them. They even accept me after all what i did.

I felt dirty....

Y/n P.o.V

It's been a month when taehyung keeps sending chocolates, flowers and bears for elle and me.

And today, he send some of ot again.

" Wifey, you sure you don't want us to come with you? " Jungkook said, making me smiled and nod.

" yup, I'll be good there hmm? I'll text you if i'll go home already " i said and kiss him and our kids cheeks.

" take care " He said and kiss me again, and then showed his bunny smile which makes me smile as well

" Mommy can you buy us some donuts? " Elle asked,I nod my head and kiss her forehead.

" You eunwoo? What my son wants? " I said and he smiled and run to me, which i gladly hig him and caressed his back.

" Mhiee Just a sansrival " He said making jungkook chuckled.

" You haven't still changed eunwoo " He stated making me laugh as he pouted his lips which making jungkook kiss his cheeks.

" Okay! Mama needs to go now " Jungkook said and I just laugh at them. I bid my goodbye before i left there.

Well i am going to the orphan, since it's been a while since i go there cause to be honest when me and rosè had a problem. I never go there anymore

So i think this is the time to visit the kids there. I even bought foods for the sisters and for the kids and also a toys for them.

I was on my way to go to the office of Sister Marie when i saw a familiar figure having a discussion with sister marie...

To be continued...

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