A False Fountain | Chapter 20

Start from the beginning

Susie: Does that mean you're one year older?

Y/n: I have no idea, I think it does, but i'm not counting it.

Ralsei: Just out of curiosity, what were the dark worlds?

Y/n: The first one was the bunker, and when I landed I was in this class room with Gaster teaching other students about time and space. I left the school at noon but before I walked to the fountain a robot gave me a picture, I have no idea what it was but maybe you do, it'll be in my right pocket.

Eirene walked over and took the picture out of Y/n's pocket and when she opened it she fell silent with a concerned look on her face.

Eirene:.. Where did you get this?

Y/n: A robot gave it to me, he might be here, you can ask him what it means.

Eirene: I know what it means, what did the robot look like?

Y/n: Well he was definitely a darkner, and he was wearing a black and crimson suit with a white tie, and what do you mean you know what it means?

Eirene: What gave you the drawing was called a "Fate Robot", they scan you and draw your fate in very high detail, but this is just... scribbles, I could try to figure out what it is, and if it gives you a drawing that is scribbled out then it means you're not of this world.

Y/n:.. Can I go now? There are probably like 10 fountains already open.

Susie: We're coming with you.

Y/n: No! You need to stay here! Listen... I have a strange feeling that once all the bad guys have been trapped in jail and when I go to Olympus, ALONE, that the mysterious figure will break them all out and cause chaos down here. You have to be here to fight them or to prevent it while i'm gone.

Susie: Fine.

Ralsei: Are you sure you can seal the fountains alone?

Y/n: I've already sealed 3, how bad can it be?

Ralsei: But didn't you nearly die while fighting Gaster? What were his stats?

Y/n: His attack was 200, defence was 200 and HP was 500. He got tired after using his attacks.

Ralsei: What were his attacks?

Y/n: "Acid Floor" which turned the floor to acid, "Blood Burner" which summoned a giant bunsen burner that could burn blood, "Gravity Govern" which made gravity disappear, "Lab Assistants" which summoned two black gooey figures, and lastly "Electric Entities" which ran at lightning speed. He can also summon acid rain so look out for that, and those lab assistants can use his powers as well and let Gaster use another attack of his, basically allowing him to use 4 attacks in 1 turn.

Susie: What!?

Ralsei: You survived all that!?

Y/n: Mhm, but if you want to use ACT, then just "Ego Booster", just tell him how dumb you are and he'll agree or compliment his powers. But if you do attack him then combine your powers, or push his attacks back on him, once they hit him he'll stop and do damage to him.

Ralsei: What was the next fountain?

Y/n: It was inside the police station, and when I landed I had to go through this police academy obstacle course to leave and Undyne was the trainer. After getting past the obstacle course and cleaned my outfit from the mud I got to the fountain after nearly being robbed and-

Ralsei: You nearly got robbed!?

Y/n: Yeah, I had to walk through a crime ridden city to get to it, but I just hit them on the head with my shovel and it worked. But as I was saying, when I got to the fountain I saw a biker gang of 5 in front of it, so I paid them 600D$ to move and they did.

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