Gruvia Week Day 7: Sweet

Start from the beginning

"G-Gray-sama! How long were you standing there?" Juvia nervously asked.

"Long enough to hear your song and see your little dance." Gray smirked. Juvia covered her face with her hands.

"Gah! Juvia is so embarrassed!" Juvia said, flustered. Gray chuckled as he walked up to her and patted her on the head.

"So, what's going on over here?" Gray looked at what Juvia was doing.

"Juvia is making sugar cookies. She was just cutting out shapes." Juvia said. Gray looked down at her "shapes." They just kind of looked like blobs of cookie dough.

"Uh, what are the shapes supposed to be?" Gray asked. Juvia eagerly exhibited her cookies.

"This one is a Christmas tree, this one is Santa, this one is a star, this one is a stocking, and this one is Gray-sama." Juvia said, especially proud at her Gray cookie. Gray let out a grunt.

"Really? That's freaking weird! I'm not eating my own face!" Gray announced.

"That's fine. Juvia will happily eat it." Juvia said, eyeing up the cookie.

"How about no one eats that cookie!" Gray blurted. He looked back down at the cookies. "So, this one's Santa?" Gray asked, clarifying. None of the cookies really looked like what Juvia said they were, but he wasn't going to be the one to tell her that.

"No, that one is the star." Juvia corrected.

"Oh, right." Gray chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck. "Of course." Gray tried to play it off like it was obvious, but it really wasn't.

"Can Gray-sama help Juvia cut out some more shapes?" Juvia requested. Gray looked down at her, smiled, and nodded.

Gray and Juvia cut out more Christmas shapes. Then when they were done, they put them in the oven and waited. They decided to put their presents they got for each other under the tree. They took their cookies out of the oven and sat around their fire place all comfortable in their pajamas.

"Gray-sama, try a cookie." Juvia insisted. She sat next to him on the couch with the plate of cookies in her hand. He was a bit hesitant at first, but he figured hey couldn't taste too bad. And they weren't. They were actually pretty good.

"Hey, these are pretty tasty." Gray said. Juvia smiled proudly.

"Really? Juvia will try." Juvia ate a cookie too, and she set the plate on the coffee table in front of them. Her eyes lit up. "These are good!" Juvia exclaimed. Gray nodded in agreement. He reached out for a second one and took a bite. Juvia gasped. Gray gave her a funny look as he ate his cookie.

"What's wrong?" Gray asked with a stuffed mouth.

"Gray-sama..." Juvia blushed and smiled somewhat guilty, but also mischievous. "Gray-sama just ate his face." Juvia giggled. Gray looked down at the blob of the cookie. It didn't look anything like him, but apparently, Juvia had no problem determining her shapes. Gray slowly slowed and his eyes widened.

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