Chapter 12

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"Can you deny your acts of homophobia towards Jayce and Viktor?" Heimerdinger repeats for a third time.

"I... I... no, I- I can't." Mel finally answers, giving in.

"Now please confirm - did you enter the lab and put Viktor into a state of unconciousness?" Heimerdinger questions.


"And was the act homophobically motivated?"


"Can you justify your actions?"

"I- I- I... It's none of my fault, ok? Jayce brought this on himself." Mel yells.

"My fault? How is it my fault? My sexuality is not a choice - it's who I am, and I can't take it back!" Jayce shouts.

"Everything is a choice! Eve-"

"Both of you stop!" Heimerdinger demands, "This is not up for debate anymore. Councillor Medarda will be proffesionally trialed next week by a court, and that will settle this. The updates to the Equality act will take place, and what you said, will become illegal. I'd now respect if everyone left this room and carried on with other functions to their day. Thank you, and goodbye." The short professor hops off his chair, and walks out the large, entrance/exit doors.


Nobody talks until we're halfway over the river's bridge.

"I'm incredibly grateful that we've got that done with." Sky says, breaking the silence.

"Uhhh, so are we going to go to the lab?" I suggest.

"I think we deserve a break. That was tense, and it's not left me in the working mindset." Jayce replies. My boyfriend, yes I'm using that term too, takes my hand and interlocks his fingers with mine.

"Do you want to meet my cat?" I ask, suggesting something else.

"Ah, yes, the famous cat that never had anything wrong with it." Sky jokes.


It's about 6pm, and the sun is beginning to set. Sky fell in love with Nina - she must have a thing for cute animals, or at least cats. Jayce is laid across the sofa, asleep, holding me loosely on top of him, like a stuffed bear.

"Is he asleep?" Sky asks, for clarification. I nod subtly, and stare up at the ceiling.

**********Trial Day**********


The day of the trial felt so gloomy. Sky and I were called fourth as witnessess of Mel's homophobic actions, even though nobody saw the attack on Jayce. They said we could be counted for as witnessess as we'd seen milder actions taking in weeks before.


Judge: Please settle! We are here to account the actions of Councillor Mel Medarda, to decide whether she is either guilty or not for illegal, homophobic actions towards Viktor, and also Jayce Talis. To begin, Viktor, what do you remember?

Viktor: Sky and Jayce were in the protected experimental room to test a piece of work, and I stayed outside for my own safety, however it wasn't that safe. I heard footsteps in the room, her footsteps and I knew they were Mel's - I'd heard them many times before. I went to turn around, to see why she was in the laboratory, and was met with the sight of her face, and then quickly the sight of nothing, as I was hit in the head, and felt myself fall to the floor.

Judge: So, you were attacked? Most definitely by Councillor Medarda?

Viktor: Yes, sir.

Judge: Viktor, you may now take a seat as we question the witnessess, Sky Young and Jayce Talis. While neither present at the attack, you can both account for previous, midler actions?

Sky:  Yes.

Jayce: Yes.

Judge: Evidence says that Mel entered your laboratory often. Can you describe what she did?

Sky: I saw her go what seemed unnecesarily close to Jayce, and she was always whispering to him. I couldn't make out what she said, but the tone was always harsh and unkind.

Judge: Jayce, do you agree with this? Is there anything else, or anything wrong?

Jayce: I agree with the account Sky has given, and can also add that the threats Medarda whispered where things such as 'I will find whoever it is you feel for, and hurt them'.

Judge: Thank you. Now, Mel Medarda, is there anything you disagree with, and anything to add?

Mel: What I did was not a crime.

Jayce: What you did was an assault!

Judge: Jayce, silence please.

Mel: I am not guilty of any homophobic actions.

Viktor: So, attacking and critically injuring the boyfriend of a man who's gay, so won't ever be with you, isn't a homophobic action?

Judge: Oh, I do believe that really violates the law - not only have you attacked someone because you can't be with someone else, but the two victims were both within the queer community and romantically involved. That breaks the same law twice over.

Mel: I did not break any laws! They weren't even laws until last week!

Judge: Medarda, I am aware of how new these laws are, but you are guilty of breaking them, not only that, but an assault breaks a second law. All judges in agreement that Mel Medarda is guilty, raise your hand.

[All Judges raise their hands]

Judge: I can conclude that Councillor Mel Medarda is guilty of homophobic actions and assault, and will be sentenced to a minimum of 8 years in jail - the full sentence will be decided later after a private discussion.

******Out of Scipt******

"Everybody now knows the two men behind HexTech are dating." Sky states as we walk away from the place of the trial.

"It's the way it turned out. At least she's going to get what she deserves." Viktor says.

"But imagine what so many people are feeling now that they know homophobia is illegal, and that the law is taken seriously!" I tell them both.

"This day will go down in history." announces Sky. Viktor leans into my shoulder while we walk.

"Are we going anywhere to celebrate our second victory, or would we rather part ways?" Sky asks, stopping and leaning on a wall.

"It's already late, so we should probably part ways." I answer.

"I'll see you two tomorrow in the lab then!" Sky calls as she leaves.

"All this, and we've not even been together half a year." Viktor says as he unlocks the door to his place. We both hang up our coats, and Viktor quickly settles down with his cat.


No, this is not the end, I promise.

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