Chapter 9

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"You and your boyfriend can use the spare room. Also, I think your cousin's ex left lube in there from the time he cheated on her." Jayce's mother calls up the stairs.

"Holy shit." I mutter.

"My family's officially fucked up." Jayce says, putting his hand to his forehead.

I lean my head on Jayce, and as we enter the spare room, he pulls me round and kisses me. His arms wrap around my waist, and I'm sandwiched into his body. I hook my hands around his neck, and bring his face in closer, our lips pushing together harder.

Jayce's hands go under my shirt, and across my chest. He brings them back out and begins unbuttoning the shirt. I lean my head onto his chest as Jayce pulls my shirt off. He walks us over to the bed, and he gently pins me down, still passionatley locking his lips with mine. I move my hands to find the top button of his shirt, and undo that, and all the buttons beneath. I run my fingers up his body, parting the material of his shirt. Jayce lowers himself closer to me, careful not to hurt me (due to my leg).

I take myself up a bit to kiss him, and Jayce uses the moment to trace his fingers down my spine, causing me to moan into his lips. Jayce secures me in his grip and rolls over so that I'm on top of him. I rest my head on his chest, near his shoulder. I let him give kisses on the side of my neck.

"I love you." I say, making myself comfortable on top of him.

"I would think so too." he replies.

"You're meant to respond that you love me too!" I sofly exclaim.

"But isn't that too stereotypical?" he asks, I just answer with a quiet grumble.

"Of course I love you too, Viktor. I kissed you first." he adds.


It's not long until Viktor falls asleep, and not long until I do too.

And it doesn't seem long until I wake up, see the clock, and realise that if we don't move soon, we're going to be late for work.



We arrive just on time, not late, not early. 

As we enter the laboratory, I notice the silence  - no pen scribbling on paper, no Sky.

"Where's Sky?" I question, effectively to the empty space - Viktors knows what I know right now, which is nothing. I wander around the room, until I hear a stumbling from the direction of the current core testing chambers. Round the corner, walking out the experimental area is Sky, covered in a fine, blue dust.

"What happened?" Viktor asks, walking on-scene.

"I think there was too much bismuth and not enough steel, because it wasn't powerful, but the core didn't stay very strong. It exploded into dust." Sky replies, wiping herself down, and cleaning her glasses.

"Interesting..." Viktor mutters, going into the site of the event, which was coloured blue with dust. At least it was a nice, light, tealy blue, and not a grim, murky blue.

"I say we slightly drop down the amount of bismuth, and increase the amount of steel then." I suggest. I walk over to the components needed, still on the side from yesterday. We prepare the mixture, and put it under the heat of a furnace to melt.

Over at the lighting experiment, which has now been running for 6 days, the light still hasn't dimmed.


When the next test for stabilising the core is ready, both Sky and Jayce go in to observe it. I, however, stay out, just incase it does explode and my leg is injured more than it already is.

But I feel I'm not alone in the rest of the laboratory.

I hear quiet footsteps.

Footsteps I have heard before.

I hear them coming closer.

I turn in time to see Mel, with something in her hand.

"I did warn you." she coos, before swinging her arm round.

I feel myself fall to the ground, and I lose my vision.

I just about hear her leave the room before I completely black out.


We walk out the experiment room, and I sensed the strange silence there was this morning when I couldn't hear Sky.

"Viktor?" I call out. I walk through the laboaratory. When I find him, he is knocked unconscious on the floor.

"Sky! We need to get him to the hospital." I tell her, picking up Viktor and cradling him in my arms. One of us should have stayed in the laboratory with him.


At the hospital, he is taken to be checked. The results come back - he was hit in the head. The enforcers quickly get involved in finding who could have done it, so they go to search the lab. I wait beside the bed Viktor's in until he wakes up - 2 hours later.

"Viktor?" I say as I see him stirring.

"Jayce..." he mutters, sleepily opening his eyes, "I- it was M- Mel."

Of course it was.


#56 in Arcane!!!!!!!!!!! - 13/01/2022

I'd never thought I'd get this far.

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