Puzzle Pieces

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Andrés and the rest of the family are entering La Casa Madrigal. The first gift ceremony of the generation, one of excitement and hope. We knew Andrés would get his powers sometime after the ceremony. All went well. Isabella walked alone, all spotlights on her. It was a "perfect" night. Señora Alma had fawned over her since she was born.

Three days after the ceremony, Andrés was at school, preparing to eat his lunch. When he went to take a bite, however, two fangs popped out from his teeth, scaring both his classmates and Andrés.

      Papa and Mama had picked him up early that day, and had their own private celebration for him. It was both the happiest and worst day of his life.


"Wake up!!" Someone said, banging a pillow over your head.

"Maria.. stop.." You groaned.

"Not Maria, Mirabel!"

You shot up. Looking around, you were definitely still in the nursery. Your bag was on the floor, but you're both still fully dressed.

"Oh god! I've got to get home! My Papa will kill me!" You frantic. "We've got to make a plan.. alright, say you invited me over for breakfast. Give me a half hour, I'll be here." You say.

"That should be alright.." Mirabel agrees. "Well?" Get going!"

You exit quickly through the window and sprint back to your house. On the way you see Señora Julieta, already at her food stand. For a fleeting moment, you see life through her eyes. Always taking care of everyone, probably getting up hours before sunrise just to make enough food for a day.  Even now, before the sun has risen, she's already set up to take care of the community. Never gets a break.

Your thoughts are interrupted by the wall of your house, which you nearly smack into. You throw a rope up, knowing it'll latch onto your bed. Just like with Mirabel, you climb the walk quickly. You unlatch the rope and place it under the bed. Not your smoothest sneak out- sneak in attempt, but it went just fine.

"Well, you've certainly been out late."

Or at least, you thought it did.

You turn around slowly, because you know the voice.

It's your Papa.

"So.. going to fess up? Or will I have to weasel it out of you." Papa threatens. He stands, making himself more intimidating than usual.

"No." You say, fighting a silent staring contest.

Papa chuckles. "Good girl, never confess to anything in the face of an enemy." He relaxes. "Now, where were you?"

The test is over. "I was at a friends house."

"We have no friends."

Aaaah darn. You'd forgot about that.

"I was at Mirabel Madrigals house. We were investigating the cracks." You confess.

His face darkens. A frown is painted on his face. "Amor, no. Stay away from the Madrigals. Please." He pleads.

"Why? If there's a problem with their magic, then our magic could be affected too! And anyways, they're nice people. I want to help-"

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