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Daisuke definitely regretted leaving Liam to babysit his siblings. Causing chaos and killing people were 2 of his most favorite things to do. However, they're starting to take a toll on him. When he returned home, exhausted from the amount of chasing he and Leyla had to do in order to track down and kill this dude, he wanted nothing more than a house engulfed in darkness and his bed warm and ready for him to sleep on. 

Which reminded him of Ritsu's earlier statement, "Doing what?"

Did he really know what sex was? Or was he just curious? Daisuke knew that despite all of them being the same age, he had an older mindset, and knew several things they were not aware of yet. Which reminded him of the fact that he was supposed to look (and act) like a normal, hormonal teenager right about now, at the peak of horny-ness. He had to admit, there were some cute guys he'd spotted here and there, but none of them matched his tastes (he didn't really know what his tastes were, he just wasn't into them, so he assumed they weren't his taste). He knew, however that because of his dangerous job, and how he was excelling at making enemies, a love life was out of the question.

 Not like he was interested in it anyways.

 Once he got home, he noticed that it seemed quite dark from outside. It surprised him. He didn't expect them to actually fall asleep so soon, especially with Liam. He admitted, he had expected that Liam had gone overboard, given them wine, shown them sex and them had sex with them or something. Then he reminded himself that Liam wasn't that kind of person. And he probably didn't want to face Daisuke's wrath, so he hoped for the best. Once he entered the house though, he didn't find what he expected.

The TV was open, blaring some futuristic-type, sci fic movie, but the voice was off. There were blankets and cushions lying here and there, falling from the couch as well. The Lounge's lights were off, so it seemed as though they had tried to make a cinema. Over all, it gave off a very cozy look. However, he wasn't expecting all three of his siblings, fast asleep, lying on and around Liam's body. Liam himself was slouching against the couch, on the carpet, with Haru squeezed up against his arm, and Tobio's head on his lap. Ritsu was still awake, on the couch, his head atop of Liam's. He turned when he heard their front door open. After realizing it was only Daisuke, he reached for the bowl of popcorn on Liam's stomach. Liam himself was starting to doze off, until the heard the slightest sound of footsteps, and nearly jumped out of his skin, before realizing that he had 2 children on his lap, and one on his head. Ritsu got off without a word and buried his head in a pillow, while Liam delicately took the other 2 teens off of him . 

"Hey," he whispered, waving at Daisuke, who was raising his eyebrows. 

"Didn't know you knew how to handle kids? Did they cry?" He mocked. Liam laughed softly. 

"Neither did I...Your siblings are cute." He looked down and after a bit of silence, added, "I had a younger brother too, but he was older that yours'." He didn't bother to explain. Daisuke didn't bother to ask. That was enough strain on him for one night. 

"How'd it go?" 

"Oh, it took forever. That guy knew how to run ."

Liam laughed at this, and got up, stretching. 

"I should leave" He said, checking the time. "These movies are full of shit that never happens." 

He chuckled. Daisuke absently, going to check for Ritsu's forehead. Ritsu in turn moved his head up obediently. he was used to Daisuke's weird, caring attitude. He wondered where he really went for his "study date" though. He wished he ' d share stuff with him, but he knew better. Daisuke was too distant. Loving, yes. Caring, yes. But distant. 

He waited as Daisuke felt his forehead with both sides of his hands. 

"You're forehead's warm," he commented, setting his bag down as Liam left the House quietly. 

"You're hands are just cold," he replied.

Daisuke sighed and shook his head, leaning down to lift Haru from the ground. Haru was the slimmest of them, and it wasn't hard to see. He weighed the least from them all. With Daisuke's age and experience with heavy things, He managed to lift him. Upon lifting him, he carried him into his room and settled him within his blankets.

He came back to help Tobio up. After helping Tobio to his room, he came back to the lounge, to find Ritsu still sitting there, eating chips. He lifted his bag and gave Ritsu a look, "You want me to carry you too?"

Ritsu snorted and then eyed his bag suspiciously. "What's in it?"

"You haven't checked yet?"

Ritsu looked at him deep in the eyes for a couple of minutes, and Daisuke wondered if he really did check his bag.

 "No.... but I'd like too. I'm waiting for when you're going to tell me yourself, and you will, if you love me."

Years of spending time with Daisuke had taught Ritsu well on just how to trap him.

"I've got nothing to hide," Daisuke shrugged. Ritsu looked heartbroken for a second, and Daisuke considered telling him, but then it washed away.  

"Alright," He replied, rushing of to his room.

 Daisuke knew he checked the bag.


-Moony & Amy

Oh welp. Let's see what happens XD

What do you guys think? Did Ritsuka check the bag or not?

Will Daisuke consider telling the rest of his siblings? Or will they find out themselves? After all, it's a small world :')

Lol Lets see!!!!

I PURPLE YOU! <333333


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