chapter 38 - you've been workin on yourself

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, well... when you have history with someone the way I do with Ricky, it's impossible to be just friends."

Kourtney started rambling about how much Ricky hurt her, all the things she wanted to do to him. While Nini just spaced out sadly, thinking of the past nine years..

In situations like these, you can always count on Gina to alleviate the situation. She stood next to Nini who was leaning on the desk and pulled her in for a side hug.

"Hey Neens, it's gonna be okay. You'll be okay. You'll see him and maybe you'll be overwhelmed, but you don't have to talk to him if you're not ready." Gina whispered. "Kourt is right, you just have to be civil with him."

"I just don't wanna get hurt again, Gi." Nini said leaning her head on Gina's shoulder. "I... I just don't think I can handle anymore of it.. I'm having a hard time getting through my days as it is."

Nini's voice thickened prompting Gina to squeeze her shoulder. Gina spoke louder this time so Kourtney could hear her, "Well, whatever happens, we'll be here for you. Right Kourt?"

"Huh? Yeah of course." Kourtney said. "And we'll make sure you look hot as hell too, so that son of a-"

"Kourtney." Gina warned.

"I mean.. so that Richard Bowen knows what he gave up and never forgets." Nini had a feeling that Ricky hadn't forgotten, but I guess it never hurt to look good.

"Thanks guys." Nini pulled them into a hug.

"Everyone in that party is gonna turn their heads when you walk in. They won't even remember it's a baby shower.." Kourtney continued, still excited about her plan.

"Maybe we should tone it down a bit, Kourt. It is Red and Ashlyn's big day after all..."

"NOBODY TELLS KOURTNEY TO TONE IT DOWN. NOT EVEN YOU SAL ROBS." Kourtney said.. "But I'll consider your request."

Nini and Gina laughed. Nini didn't know what she'd do without her friends.

Ricky was pacing back and forth in his therapist's office. He was going to meet Nini tomorrow for the first time since they broke up. Well, technically she did see him at his house, but he was drunk.

"Do you think she'll talk to me? What if she doesn't forgive me ? Oh God she probably hates me. What color looks better with my skin tone?"

"Ricky, I'm going to need you to calm down a little." Jenn said shifting in her chair. "You know as well as I do that we don't have control over any of those things (well, except that you look great in pink), but remember what we talked about, okay? We can manage the anxiety and try to eliminate the negative thoughts."

Ricky breathed in and out. Remembering that he's made so much progress over the past few months, he was even proud of his own work sometimes. He can do tuis. The first step to reconciling with Nini is to ask for forgiveness. If she doesn't forgive him, then he needs to accept that and deal with it in the event that it happens.

"Okay. You're right. I'm overthinking it. But you really think pink ?"

"Yes." Jenn said smiling, "You know what, why don't we do something different today ? Why don't you tell me about your plan for tomorrow? I'll even help you with a few things (even though as your therapist I'm not exactly allowed to do that)."

Ricky smiled from ear to ear.
"Well. I'm going to ask her to forgive me. If she'll talk to me. I probably won't explain everything on my side until I find a better time, since it's my best friends' baby shower. But the goal is just to get her to talk to me and see if we can be friends at this point."

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