Chapter 7

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It was hard, honestly. To make Finn nice🤪😂😬


It was later in the evening, and I was wandering in the terrace, bored, and mad. I wanted to look around Rome, but Dad just wouldn't allow me to. Mikael had gone somewhere and hadn't returned at all yet. I was mad at Dad because he let Mia, Nik and Hope to go but not me, he wouldn't even give me reasons why. I was so frustrated at him that I could take out the gun in my jean back pocket and shoot, aiming for the colosseum, but I'd be toast if I did that. I was bored, mad and frustrated all together it was a heavy feel. Growing up for three years with Niklaus Mikaelson had thought me many things, and one of them was- Painting is a metaphor for Control. And so, I've been doing just that for the past three years. And right now, I needed a lot of Control on my feelings so I decided to paint something Uncle Nik loved and had thought me first. He called Moon over bourbon street, I didn't know what it meant but I really liked it. I went down to Dad and Uncle Nik's room. I took a fresh canvas from the drawer of Uncle Nik's side and placed it on the stand. I picked up some paint that was surprisingly... new as if he'd gotten new ones. I started painting, while I was mid-way I heard a squeak, outside, at the door. I ignored it and continued, about 20 minutes later I was done. It was perfection.

"I don't know about Elijah but, you certainly take after Niklaus" I heard Finn's voice behind me. I Jumped.

"Hello" I said rubbing my neck and turning around.

"I don't believe we even met properly. With your snarky comments. I'm Finn" he said. I laughed.

"I know. I go overboard with snarky comments- but that was harsh" I said.

"Ok I apologize for that" he said.

"It's Fine. So why did you choose to stay in Italy? I mean all of your siblings chose to go to New York but you stayed" I asked.

"Growing up here I didn't really want to leave. I like being here. It's Calm when there's no more training you have to take for just killing people. I never liked it anyways" He replied. I seriously didn't see what was wrong with him that Uncle Nik and Dad told me not to talk with him and Uncle Kol had a Huuuge problem with him, "But- Come on. I wanna see what you got"

"You're in" I said.

In moments I found myself in the basement, fighting my eldest uncle, who seemed to be not bad at fighting.

"You're-" I dodged his kick and punched him in the chest, "-Good"

"You haven't seen the worst of me Elizabeth. You're actually better" He said

"Oh Hahaha. Good joke" I said wiping off my sweat

"Seriously" He said. I removed my jacket as my phone rung. Mia, facetiming me. I picked up.

"Hey- Damn you're sweating like hell and that background is dark. Lord, have you been training again?" She asked.

"No. Just fighting Uncle Finn" I said sticking my tongue out as I walked out of the basement.

"GOODDD. Wait did you just call the creepy rude Mikaelson as Uncle?" Mia asked.

"Yeah. He's not as bad as they exaggerate. Anyway, where are you?" I asked.

"Pisa" Nik exclaimed from beyond the phone.

"Hey Nik. Good to see ya guys are enjoying. When'll you be back?" I asked heading upstairs to Dad and Uncle Nik's room.

"Probably Tommorow. Sorry you couldn't be here" Mia replied.

"Yeah. I'm really mad at-" I stopped to see Dad in the room so I shut my mouth.

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