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      I indeed had a rude awakening by the fire alarm, but the bonding I spent with mom while cleaning the exploded cake was nice.

      Long story short mom exploded a damn cake.  And it took a LOT of cleaning. And of course I had to get groceries to make a new one. On top of that, Mira decided to tag along. I put on something nice just in case he was around, and I can't even lie I was a little sad when we'd got to the store and I hadn't seen him. I don't know what I had expected, he must be very busy with such a high rank like his.

      Grabbing a cart, I scanned over the grocery list mom gave me, and I'd started shopping. Knowing Mira would ask for a little extra something I brought more money than intended. After a while of figuring out which milk mom wanted we'd set out for the other ingredients and along the way Mira stopped and turned to me slowly.


"Can I get a yogurt cup! Pleaseeee!"

      I smiled and nodded, knowing I prepared. Mira giggled and did a victory twirl, something she absolutely adored doing because she felt graceful doing it. Just like Hashirama the other day. My thoughts were cut short when I noticed a familiar someone. Speak of the devil and he will appear . He was talking- no- arguing with some person whom had white hair and red eyes.

       Basically the opposite of him. Then I'd finally recognized him as Tobirama, Hashirama's younger brother. I stared oblivious to what they were talking about and just like yesterday, I had been caught staring. Not by my sister, or Hashi though. But by his brother. I never looked away so fast in my life.

"I'm telling you! It's not childish to get fruit snacks! Hey, look at me when I'm talking to you!"

"Sorry someone was staring"

My heart dropped and I swear I was as pale as Tobirama.

"You and your excuses"

"They're literally right there."

I was practically praying he didn't turn around but, yk, the world has it out for me.

If I was looking I would've noticed how his eyes lit up when he saw me. I heard footsteps approaching knowing damn well it was them. But to my surprise I wasn't getting lectured.

"Hey! We met yesterday, it's me again, I never got your name!"

I was stunned to see he was smiling and Tobirama stood there with an irked expression.

"Senju, [Name]! It's great to see you again too!"

I said trying not to stutter. Mira didn't hesitate a moment and hugged him immediately.


He picked Mira up and I admired him yet again. Giggling, laughing, and making stupid jokes to entertain my sister. Tobirama glared at his brother before asking his brother what he was doing.

"Ah, I saved these two the other day!"

He said beaming a smile at his brother despite Tobirama glaring daggers into all of us. Though I suppose he's used to it as he is his brother. It's kind of sweet.

"You should know better than to interact with people outside of business, elder brother. You can't get distracted we have things to do today."

Hashirama pouted, and I would've giggled at the cuteness if his intimidating brother wasn't right in front of us.

"I have to gain the villagers trust if I plan to take over next, you should be more social too!"

Tobirama just scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"Just look at little Mira's cute face!"

Hashirama held Mira up to Tobirama and for a second I swear he softened, Hashirama noticed this too.

"Ha! See! I knew it!"

Hashirama exclaimed in victory with Mira on his hip like he's been doing this his whole life. Mira giggled and I smiled.

"I'll be waiting for you outside."

      Tobirama walked away sighing. At least I could giggle at Hashirama's cute antics now.
He turned to me and apologized for his brother. He was so sweet it melted my heart. He asked us what we were shopping for and offered help, to which I declined even though I didn't want to. He definitely has better things to do than help a villager with their groceries.

      Though I do hope I can be more than just a villager to him. Mira kept him distracted while I just sat back and listened. Once again I felt that empty ache when he left. I ignored it and continued shopping. I finished and paid up for the stuff then walked home with Mira.

We walked in and before I could announce that we were home Mira ran to our mom and went on and on about our trip to the store (specifically the scary silver man and his sweet big brother).

"I swear momma, I won't be as scary as that ever ever ever!"

My mom just giggled and nodded as I helped her put away the things she didn't need yet for baking. Thinking back to the morning (ya know, when the cake exploded) why was mother making a cake in the first place? No family member's birthday was coming up. There wasn't a special occasion either.

"How come you were making a cake anyway mom?"

She smiled awkwardly.

"Well, we've been invited to a small celebration for winning the most recent battle against our enemies. That and Lord Hashirama becoming Clan leader soon! I thought I'd make a little treat! Some of the others are baking stuff too."

      I nod and continue beating the eggs. After a while we finished the cake and my mom put it in the oven. Remind me why the hell I'm in love with someone who's technically a royal? I mean seriously I only ever talked to him twice! I need a therapist. After a bunch of self rambling, I wiped my hands and gave the icing spoon to my little sister.

      I chuckled as she got it all over her face in only a few seconds. While we waited for the cake to finish my little sister and I played hop scotch and she beat me at connect 4, 6 times in a row. I feel stupid getting beat by a literal 5 year old at connect 4. Then I heard a crash in the living room.

word count: 1,055

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