he had seen him through it all and just thinking about it made him feel the same butterflies he felt that day he saw the portrait of that boy with the red pin.

"you're thinking of chanhee again aren't you?" kevin teased, finally opening the door once changmin let go of him. changmin shook his head hurriedly, kevin smirking slightly at his friend before pushing him out the door and towards the lift. "then we should hurry so you can see him sooner right?"

changmin nodded, pressing the button for the first floor and smiling at the thought of seeing chanhee.


chanhee stood in front of the closet, staring at all the clothes before turning around to a confused younghoon sitting on the bed. "so you're telling me you can't make a decision despite having all of these clothes?" younghoon shook his head, smiling sheepishly as chanhee glared at him. with a sigh, he took out different clothes from jackets to ties and tossed it towards the older who could barely catch them all. "i swear to god, what would you do without me kim younghoon?"

"you love me though," younghoon said, looking through chanhee's selection and laughing when the boy hit his shoulder. "i guess i'm just nervous to see hyunjae again after all this time."

"well who asked you to be so dense towards his feelings then dumbass," chanhee said, lying down on his bed and dodging the pillow tossed at him. "you have got to move on from tossing pillows hoon."

younghoon shrugged, putting on the jacket and looking at himself in the mirror, smiling when he caught sight of chanhee in the background stretching on his bed

after all that had happened between him and chanhee, his feelings had slowly died down but he found himself missing his best friend and so, one day, he came back to their shared dorm (after rooming with hyunjae for a while) with snacks in hand and asked chanhee to watch a movie on their projector. much to his surprise, chanhee had immediately hugged him and ever since then, the pair became the best of friends yet again.

"just talk it out with him - i'm sure he misses you," chanhee said, turning around to lie flat on his stomach. "but how did it not click sooner that he liked you?"

"you literally didn't know that changmin and i liked you for three years chanhee."

chanhee nodded his head, tossing younghoon's plushie back and forth between his hands. "touché but i'm not the one taking so long to pick a damn outfit," chanhee retorted before going to stand beside younghoon. "you look fine hoon and besides, if one of us should be nervous, isn't it supposed to be me?"

both their gazes drifted towards a small velvet box that sat on the bedside table. "who would've thought choi chanhee would ever do such a thing," younghoon said, placing an arm around chanhee. "it'll go well."

"say that to yourself too moron," chanhee said, smiling as he fixed younghoon's jacket collar. "and hey, i know i don't say it too much but-" chanhee grinned at him, fixing his hair slightly. "-thank you for staying by my side hoon."

younghoon smiled, ruffling chanhee's hair and making him frown immediately. "thank you too chanhee. you've helped me become a better person," younghoon replied.

chanhee hummed in response, letting a few seconds pass before breaking the moment and handing him a tie he had chosen. "now hurry up and get ready to go idiot."

if there was something that younghoon felt truly grateful for, it was the fact that he could say goodbye to his first love with a smile, bearing no grudges but instead finding hope that his true love was only a few stops away waiting at that same university that had brought them all together.

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