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Alice and Jasper ended up taking me and Bella to Arizona and I was still pissed, I mean Nick knows where I am but still I was pissed. Bella said, "Are you still mad at me?" I said "What do you think? You kidnapped me from my boyfriend, yes I am still pissed at you. I told you I didn't want to come." She said "I wanted to protect you, James will kill you. Are you ever gonna forgive me?" I said, "Honestly I don't know, after everything that has happened, the fact that you forced me to do something that could kill me at a time where I no longer want to die is... infuriating." I went and sat by the window of the hotel room. Jasper sat next to me and pulled me to his chest, wrapping his arms around me. "Aqua, whats wrong? We haven't seen or heard from you in days." I sighed "I know... I'm sorry." He said, "Tell me." I said "All of it?" he said "All of it." I said "I met my birth father and he is a good guy, he said that he thought my life would be better with my mother, and had he known he would have saved me. Charlie kicked me out after I confronted him, and my mother abandoned me which I get, she has hated me since I was a toddler. So Billy Black took me in, and then I may have been distracted." 

He said "By?" I said, "There might be a boy." Alice grinned and was next to me "Who prey tell is he?" I said "Nicholas Black, Billy's nephew." Alice said, "Is he hot?" I smirked at her "I got you." I pulled out my phone and showed her a picture of him that Emily took at the beach. He was staring at me standing in the water like a love-sick puppy. Alice said "Jazz look at how he looks at her." Jazz said, "Yeah that is a man in love." I rolled my eyes "How do you know?" Jasper said "Because," he took my phone and zoomed in on his face "Look at the way he is staring at you, that look is as if you were the only person in the world. Like you were made for him and he relished in that fact." Alice said "It's the same way Jazz looks at me, Emmett for Rosalie, and Carlisle and Esme. You two are soulmates." I got up and said "Yeah well, after Bella's stunt he may hate me so..." I went to the bed to take a nap.

I woke up to Bella shaking me I groaned "What now?" she said, "I know you hate me, but I need you to come with me." I said "Am I going against my will?" she said, "No, it's your choice, but I really hope you won't make me go save mom from a killer vampire by myself." I said, "Do we have to save her?" Bella said "Listen, I know you hate her and she hates you but... I had a good relationship with her and I don't want to lose her. So I am going, can you please come with me?" I conceded and said "Fine, but if I die I am haunting you." she laughed "Deal." we snuck out of the hotel as Alice and Jasper checked us out. Once in the cab, I said "Also if I die, you are required to show up as the grim reaper to my funeral." She said, "Wow you're morbid." I said, "I could always jump out." I had my hand on the handle and she quickly grabbed my arm "Ok fine, ill wear it." I grinned and sat back. 

The taxi dropped us off at our old ballet studio, I said "You hate this place." she grumbled, "Yeah, let's just go." she pulled mace from her pocket and made sure it was unlocked before she laced our fingers together and we went inside. She called out "Mom? Mom?" Renee said "Bella? Bella where are you?" Bella started to run and drag me "Mom! Mom I'm here!" We opened a closet and saw a tv with Bella on camera, 7 years old, in her ballet outfit crouched in the same closet. Renee said "Bella, what are you doing?" little Bella said "Mom, I suck. I'll never be as good as Aqua." Renee said "None sense Bella, you do not suck. And if you want to dance like your sister, try asking her to help you." the tape was paused, and we heard a male voice behind us "This is my favorite part, you were always a stubborn child, weren't you." 

We spun around and saw a blonde male with ruby red eyes staring at us. We backed to the wall and he followed he grabbed me and pulled me to his chest "Who is this beauty?" Bella said "Leave her alone!" he chuckled "Well since it pisses you off, I don't think I will." she sprayed him in the face with mace, then pulled me from his grasp and we ran for the exit. He appeared in front of us, "That wasn't very nice." he shoved both of us, I flew through the air and crashed through a mirror. Edward showed up and looked between us so I said "Help... Bel..." I groaned out in pain, he picked Bella up and jumped toward the sky. The vampire grabbed me, I tried to hit him but he smacked me, causing me to have a killer headache. Then he jumped up and yanked them to the ground. Bella rolled through a mirror causing her to cry out in pain. The vampire came to me and said "Your a pretty little thing." I kicked him, causing him to laugh "And feisty." he took my shirt, pulled me up, kissed me, "You will be mine." I said "Never!" then he got mad and slammed me down and it was lights out.

I started to hear beeping, then I felt pain and a warm hand in mine. I groaned out gently opening my eyes, "Aqua?" I looked over and saw Nick he sighed in relief and pulled me into a hug "Thank god your ok. I thought I lost you." I hugged him back and kissed his shoulder "Yeah, you almost did." he pulled back a little bit to glare at me "That's not funny, what the hell were you thinking?" I ran a hand through my hair as I said "I wasn't. I was pissed off that she took me from you, but when she said she was going to confront an evil vampire to save Renee... I knew I had to go with her. I just didn't plan for the evil thing to like me which put me in more danger." I didn't realize Billy was in here until he said "What do you mean?" I looked over and saw him rolling to my bedside I said "I wanted to protect her, as much as she pisses me off I couldn't stand by and let her run to her death. But after Edward Cullen showed up I told him to take her first, and the evil dude said that I was going to be his and when I denied him, he got pissed it's the last thing I remember." Billy said, "Ok just rest honey, and I'll go talk to a dr about getting you home." 

He rolled out of the room and Nick said "You are never leaving my side again." I chuckled "Isn't that a bit dramatic?" he said "You almost died." I said "I'm well aware. But I'm here now." he looked so sad "What am I supposed to do?" I said, "Can you lay with me?" I scooted over and he smiled and laid next to me, wrapping his arms around me. I laid my head on his chest and closed my eyes falling back to sleep.

Aqualyn Ocean-Elizabeth SwanWhere stories live. Discover now