Issue 23- Last Time We Danced (Hellfire Gala)

Start from the beginning

   Janet cocked an eyebrow. "Um, well, just that you help people. I was an Ave-"

   "Avenger, I know who you are," Bard cut in. "Just makin' sure you don't take advantage of the young lady. She's got a lot of air in the head but she's a damn good person."

   "H-hey..." Pixie protested softly.

   "I assure you, Megan is still in full control. I work for her. Tonight I'm hoping to gain more support for our operation, even if it's simply an acknowledgment that if they need help we'll be there. I'm even going to try with the Australians again, though I highly doubt I'll see any traction there."

   "What is up with their new leader?" Pixie asked. "I never got to ask Darktruth, not that he'd probably know."

   "I don't know much," Janet admitted as she turned towards where the Australian PM Malcolm Maverick stood with a drink in his hand as he chatted with other leaders present. "Even surprised he showed himself. All I do know is that he's a populist, so he must think an anti-mutant stance is good for him. And he's been getting chummy with the President of Gezag lately, which is quite concerning."

   "They killed Darktruth," Pixie muttered, largely to herself. "Started this whole mess..."

   Bard glanced to Pixie and then back at Wasp. "Well, I guess they won't be getting our help for a while then. Just hope they don't lose anybody we could have saved."

   Janet gave a soft smile. "Yes. I hope they don't wait too long before they let us help, but I don't hold out much hope for a man to stop being stubborn."

   "Who's that guy?" Trance asked as she nodded in the direction of Malcolm Maverick.

   The other women all looked as a man in his thirties with slightly long brown hair combed back and a brown beard walked up to Maverick and wrapped an arm around his shoulders. Maverick did not look impressed, yet did nothing to shake the man off.

   "I don't actually know," Janet replied. "Apparently he is a guest of the Gezagi president. Mathew something. I know he's been busy, seen him all over."

   Pixie took a breath as she watched the man and then her blood ran cold when his head turned and his eyes locked with hers. She quickly glanced away and fought to control her heart as it beat a million times a second.

   "You okay?" Trance asked.

   "F-fine," Pixie replied. "He just... I don't like how he feels."

   Bard's eyes narrowed. "Hmm, perhaps it would be best to steer clear of him."

   "I agree," Janet replied then looked out across the room. "It seems Stark desires my presence. I should return to doing rounds anyway." She took Pixie's hand into her own and gave it an affectionate squeeze. "I'll speak with you later."

   With that Janet was gone once more.

   Pixie opened her mouth to speak only to stop as Quentin Quire's voice entered her head. "Your two humans are here. Should I send them away?"

   A high gasp escaped Pixie's throat as she suddenly took flight and zipped towards the main entrance gate, unaware she had just left Trance and Bard without a word.

   She landed at the entrance as she found them waiting off to the side looking out over the ocean. They both wore the same design of suit, though in different colours.

   Amira's suit was a soft violet that matched the hijab she had wrapped around her head, while Cody wore a striking aqua-blue one with his brown hair freshly shaved short.

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