34| Trust (water)Falls

Start from the beginning

He didn't respond for a moment. "So you'd rather I get mauled by a bear."

I moved a branch out of my face and waited for the right moment to release it. "Better you than me buddy," I let go of the branch and it smacked him in the nose.

A bird flew over our heads and I flinched. I was not made for the outdoors. I felt like one of those baby turtles crawling towards the water while a flock of seagulls swooped down at me.

"How do you plan on jumping off a cliff when you can't even stay strapped to a harness a few feet in the air?" his voice was amused.

I'm glad my fear provided him with entertainment. He's going to be sorry when he's bear dessert and I'm watching with a bag of popcorn.

"It was more than a few feet. And anyways, I'm not planning on doing anything. Izzie said you can get to the waterfall without jumping in. Why did you think I even agreed to go?"

Izzie and Drew were farther up ahead now and I quickened to catch up with them. They had reached a break in the trail. Slowly the dirt was replaced with rocks that dropped down into a small, secluded part of the lake. I hadn't noticed before, but we followed a stream to get here that was cascading down the rocks and into the pond. Duh, hence the waterfall Andie.

I stood shoulder to shoulder with Izzie and peered over the edge. It must have been the same drop as the high ropes course. Relief flooded through me with the knowledge I wasn't going anywhere near that ledge.

Izzie took my hand, "Okay Andie, let's go to the ledge." 

I dug my heels into the ground, unwilling to budge. "Uhm, no. I was going to walk down the hill."

"Come on," she tugged my arm, "it'll be fun!"

"You and I have very different definitions of fun, Izzie."

Drew didn't waste any time with talking as he took a running start and jumped straight off the rocks. I listened for the amount of seconds it took for the water to splash below at his impact. Five. Five whole seconds I'd have to be flailing in midair!

Grayson lifted his shirt above his head and tossed it onto a branch. As he walked to the edge of the rocks, I found myself taking a few steps forward.

He extended his hand out for me to take.

I shook my head. "I'll meet you guys at the bottom."

"Andie..." Grayson tilted his head down and smiled at me.

"This time you can't use the excuse I shouldn't be afraid because I'm strapped in a harness," I pointed out. "Meaning I have reason to be very afraid." 

Instead of offering me his hand this time, he grabbed mine in his and pulled me next to him. I clung to his shoulder; worried he was planning on throwing me in.

I considered the possibility of jumping, weighing my chances of dying or being badly injured,  while the two of them stood there watching me.

"Okay maybe..." I relented. "But you guys have to go first, in case you get hurt. If you don't, then I'll know it's at least safe."

Grayson shook his head with a smile. His arm was now around my waist. He was loving every minute of this. 

Izzie prepared to jump. "Oh Andie, one last thing," she turned to me.


"Something came up and Drew and I need you guys to teach the survival skills lesson in an hour." With that, she leapt off the rocks and down into the water. 

"Wait, what?" I called after her. 

Her blonde hair floated above her as she dropped down into the lake. It didn't look like it hurt.

My fear dissipated a small amount and was replaced with frustration. This was supposed to be our day off! I planned on doing nothing, and I was really looking forward to it.

Grayson removed his hand from my side and slid it into my palm.

He chuckled at whatever expression was on my face. "What are you so afraid of?"

This is a bad question to ask me. To broad. I am afraid of everything. 

"I could slip and land on a rock halfway down, I could land on a rock in the water, I could break a bone...a number of bad things could happen to me if I leap of a cliff," I ramble. "My top could fall off," I add another reason to the list. 

He shrugged at the last bit of information, like it shouldn't be on the list of bad things. "I'm all for women's rights," he teased. 

I look down again at the roaring water falling down below us. I could hit my head. I could scratch myself on the rocks.

"I know my rights, and I know this is...not right."

His voice is low now, the joking tone gone. But his smile is still sweet and encouraging. "Nothing's going to happen. Even if it did, we're all here." He squeezes my hand tighter and bent so his lips were closer to my ear, "Until then."

I contemplate his words and stare down at our intertwined hands. I have to just do this without thinking about it. No thinking. I nod quickly and before I know it he's jumping off the rocks, and I'm following.

My heart drops to my stomach as we plummet into the water. If I thought the five seconds watching Drew fall was long, it is nothing compared to now. This was like being suspended in time, watching my limbs float in slow motion. Yet I find myself wishing it were longer when Grayson keeps his hand in mine, even as we fall. 


I'm always so surprised when I keep writing ahead and then come back to edit these. I'm like "Oh my god, you guys don't know this has happened yet." Anywayyyys, I hope you liked this new chapter, and don't forget to vote! 

I'll see you on Thursday! 

P.S. Something is happening very soon.....

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