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seraphina pulled up outside of her house, hands shaking as she discarded her bike on the lawn. her uncle was back from the wedding and his car was parked in the driveway, meaning he was home.

just before she opened the door, she paused and realised she still had ashtray's jumper on. "shit," she whispered, pulling it off and dumping it in a bush just in time before he uncle came out.

his face was stone cold, eyes narrowed as he stared intently at her. "where the hell were you?" antonio asked, gripping her shoulder and pulling her inside.

"i just stayed at a friends, jesus christ," she answered truthfully, although it wasn't the full truth. "oh yeah, who?"

"rue," seraphina said, completely not thinking out the whole situation. would rue cover for her? hopefully, considering the amount of times seraphina had covered for her.

"whatever, just bring your bike in and go to your room, i'm having some people over so make yourself scarce."

she obeyed his orders and went to get her bike, pushing it to the porch. seraphina made sure her uncle wasn't looking whilst she grabbed ash's jumper and stuffed it up her t-shirt, quickly leaving her bike in the hall and running up the stairs.

as she got into her room, seraphina flopped down on her bed and pulled the jumper out, smiling at the deep smell of aftershave. luckily, her uncle didn't smell it on her, otherwise she would of had a lot of explaining to do.

it was around eight at night and seraphina had just woken up from a nap. her belly began rumbling so she threw a jumper on, heading downstairs, not realising it was ashtray's.

when she got to the bottom step, her ears perked up at the hushed conversation coming from her living room. but in order to get to the kitchen, she had to pass the living room.

she tried not to make eye contact with her uncle but as she stared into a large mirror in the living room, she felt her whole world stop.

the familiar face sent shivers up her spine, and goosebumps littered her body. the mans blonde hair and sunglasses brought back unpleasant memories, as she thought about how he dragged her and ashtray out of the closet in that woman's house.

"i told you not to come out," her uncle hissed, eyes meeting hers and she met his, trying not to make it obvious she knew the man. his eyes widened when he saw her, and he slung his bag over his shoulder.

"i should probably go man, laurie will be needing me," he said, walking past seraphina and to the front door. "yeah, i should take my bike to the garage, i'll be back in a second," seraphina said, grabbing her bike and walking out with the man.

when she was sure her uncle wasn't around anymore, she pulled the man to the side and pleaded with him. "please don't tell him anything, he'll kill me if he finds out."

"kill you? he'll have my head, girl. you're secrets safe with me, just don't tell him anything, alright?"

his reasonable answer made her feel safer and she nodded, watching him get into a black cadillac and driving off into the night, leaving seraphina by the garage as she questioned her actions.

"dinner's ready," antonio shouted, placing the plates down on the table as seraphina walked into the room. the smell of pasta filled her senses and she smiled at her favourite food.

"my favourite, thank you very much."

her uncle slid into his seat and so did seraphina, as they both ate, small chitchat in between bites of their food.

"how's school?"

"good, yeah."

antonio placed his cutlery down and sighed, hands forming in a ball as he opened his mouth to speak. "i lied to you," her uncle said, eyes falling to his plate as he refused to make eye contact.

"what?" she asked, confusion in her tone as she wondered what he could have possibly lied about. "i didn't go to a wedding."

"okay? i don't-don't really know why that should bother me..."

"it should. it will bother you, phina. i-i went to see your mom."

it was like a knife had been plunged into her heart, as she became short for breath. "she's changed, phina. really changed."

"no! she wants you to think that!"

anger now bubbled inside of her as she rose from her seat, hands slamming down onto the table. "if you want to go and see that bitch, don't ever tell me again! i do not want to hear about her again!"

"seraphina!" he shouted after her, but she ignored him. "fuck you!" she screamed, slamming her door and muffling the sobs that escaped her throat.

her mom was a fucking cold-hearted murdered who took away the one person she loved. at the age of seven, she had to witness the whole thing that changed her life completely.

"are you fucking serious right now?!" her dad shouted, hands tugging on his hair as he watched the sight unfold before him.

the mother of his daughter, with another man, in his own bed. her head shot up at her boyfriends voice, eyes falling as she realised the severity of the situation.

"it's not what it looks like, baby," she immediately said, jumping off the man and trying to rush over to her boyfriend. "not what it looks like?! it sure looks like you're fucking some drugged up guy in my own bed."

"no, no, we were just fooling around, he didn't even put it in."

he let out a scoff and heard the cries coming from his daughters bedroom. "with my own fucking daughter in the next room?!"

seraphina's wide eyes settled once she saw her dad enter the room, and he hurriedly picked her up from her bed. "it's alright, princess," he consoled, brushing the hair that fell in front of her eyes.

"i'm here, it's okay, daddy's here."

seraphina wailed even louder when her mother entered the room, a poisonous look on her face. another man who she didn't know stood beside her, cover wrapped around his waist.

"i fucking loved you, mila. i really did, and you just go and do this? you know, i looked past your prostitution and obvious drug issues, thinking you'd changed. clearly you haven't."

her dad whispered the last sentence, putting seraphina down as he silently grabbed her school bag, piling it with her favourite clothes.

"daddy, my teddy," she grabbed the teddy off her bed and held it out, but before he could take it, her mother pounced.

he fell to the floor, taken aback by the sudden attack from his girlfriend. "you fucking cunt!" her mother screamed, pulling a needle from her nightgown pocket.

"i never loved you," she hissed out, hands grabbing whatever they could to hit her dad with. the saddest part was, he didn't fight back.

just lay there as he begged for his life. seraphina didn't know what to do, instead walking slowly backwards until she hit the back of her closet.

the doors shut and she realised her dad did it, weakly. her mother had left the room, and he could barely walk.

and as she cried silently with her teddy clutched to her chest, listening to the disgusting sounds of what she soon learnt was her mother stabbing him, she realised nothing would be the same.

authors note

okay, so i saw a couple of leaks, and they literally say that ash and fez die!!! so, like if they do, should i make seraphina die, or not?

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