Camilo Headcannon's P1

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- Definitely a mama's boy but loves and gets along really well with their dad too.

- After Camilo got his gift, he learned to use it to cheer people up when they were sad. So when Mirabel didn't get a gift, Camilo tried to cheer her up by shapeshifting but it kinda made it worse

- After the timeline when the movie takes place, Camilo starts to use his gift less, and instead starts helping people while being himself. 

- When Antonio would cry as a baby, Camilo would shapeshift into his parent to help sooth him so his parents could take a break. 

- When he first got his gift, he originally thought he could copy the other members of the family's gifts while he was them.

- He is very protective of his siblings and cousins. He feels that because he's the oldest grandson, it's his responsibility to protect all of his prima's and his sister from all of the creepy guys (or girls) that he meets. Even though he knows they'd probably kick ass better then him anyway. And well they're just a good big bro for Antonio. 

- They really loves flowers and just nature in general. 

- If he was in the modern world he would definitely be a gamer boy. 

- Loves kids and they love him back. 

- Uses He/They pronouns but still goes by Brother, Primo/son/grandson etc. 

- He thought that he wanted to be a girl for awhile but after spending a few days to test it out, he decided that he still wanted to be a boy (demi boy later).

- Pansexual Vibes (Just likes everyone for them not their gender)

- Walked Dolores down the isle on her wedding day along with Felix.

- Wears his hair up in a ponytail or bun a lot. 

- Chocolate and Chocolate chip cookie dough are his favourite kinds of Ice-cream. 

- He doesn't like Mariano very much at the start. But he grows on them with time. 

- He likes to do graffiti and has done it in town before..... They got in trouble by his mama and had to wash it off but they know that she wasn't really mad and that she loves his art. 

- Loves dancing and does it very well. Thanks to his parents of course. 

- While he enjoys party's, he finds them very draining and needs to take at least one 10-15 minute break in between. 

- Is actually slightly lactose intolerant but doesn't care at all and completely ignores it. Will throw up later if he eats or drinks to much of it. 

- Afraid of snakes 

- Can play at least one instrument

- They have switched outfits with Mirabel before

- Hate hate hates cleaning. So much so that they are willing to go to 'extreme' measures to not clean

- When they were younger, the kids of Encanto would make fun of Mirabel for not getting a gift and Camilo would beat them up for it. They stopped after Camilo won every time. 

- He was insecure about his height in their early teen years but grew out of it with some help from Felix. 

- They have cried to his sister about how he feels as if people only ant them around when he's not being himself.

- They either get no sleep, or more than average sleep, there is no in between. 

- Definitely had an emo phase

- Cat person 


- Loves you so so so so much 

- The family loves you too, especially Pepa. 

- Calls you mi amor, mi vida, mi Corazon and Mi Cielito (my little sky)

- Let's you wear his Ruana and absolutely loves seeing you in it, they think you look very cute. 

- He considers asking you to wear his side of the family's color a big step in the relationship. 

- While they try to play it off, Camilo actually gets nervous and flustered very easily, especially in the early stages of the your relationship. 

- Literally loves any pet name that is low key praise, E.X pretty boy, lovely, mi amore etc etc 

- He flirts with you so much. 

-  "You look absolutely beautiful Mi Cielito". He says to you when you enter Casita. "I could say the same about you pretty boy." 

- Cue red faced Camilo trying to hide their face in his yellow Ruana. 

- He wants kids.  He thinks 3 is a good number but whatever you want is good with him. 

- Even if you don't wont kids, it's not a make or break thing, you're way more important to him. Plus he already has a big family and just having nieces and nephews are good enough for him. 

- If you do want kids, and more than one, then he'd suggest starting with two just to make sure that you guys could handle more. 

- And if you guys can't have kids of your own, then no worries cause he's all up for adopting! And yes, if they are bellow the age of 5 when adopted your kids will get a gift. 

- They have a competition going with Dolores to see who will have the best wedding. And he is very determined to win. 

- He has tried to cook for you multiple times but after almost burning down the kitchen, Julieta forbid him from ever going near her kitchen again. 

- You know how guys try and show their partners off as a way of saying 'they're mine' when  they are jealous? Yeah well he does that, but mostly when someone is hitting on HIM. 

- They want to make sure that whoever is hitting on him that he is happily taken. 

- While he does get jealous fairly easy, he tries his best not to let it bother him, and it's not that he doesn't trust you its that he doesn't trust THEM. 

- Will leave it be till whoever is hitting on you get's to close and touchy, then they'll step in. 

- He brings you flowers everyday. And if they forget one day, then he'll bring you two the next day to make up for it. 

- These flowers usually come later in the day. He get's them from the towns people all the time as a thanks for everything him and his family does for the Encanto. But if he doesn't get any during the day, then he asks Isabella to make some for you. She gets a little annoyed after a while but thinks its super cute so she can't say no. 

- Stargazing and picnic dates. 

- Little spoon 90% of the time. 

- Doesn't mind if you're taller than them. 

- Loves to lay on top of you with his head on your chest. Bonus points if you play with his hair. They also often fall asleep in that position. 

- Camilo would LOVE to explore outside of Encanto with you. 

A/N: This is just some random headcannon that I have of my favorite Chameleon. If you want me to do more (cause I have more) or if you want me to do some on a different characters then let me know. :) 

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⏰ Última atualização: Feb 27, 2022 ⏰

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