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College can be tough, especially when you haven't taken a gap year; but when you have a special someone by your side throughout it all, things get a lot easier.

That special someone was Kuroo Tetsurou.

Daishou and Kuroo's relationship was what one may call, challenged. They've been friends since they were sweet six-years olds but as the years passed by, it aged like milk.

When they both turned nine, they decided to try out for their school's volleyball team. Kuroo ended up being chosen and Daishou was not. The two boys had another friend named Kenma, the latter was quiet but showed his affection when appropriate. Kuroo and Kenma ended up getting closer than Kuroo and Daishou seeing that the two would see each other much more than Kuroo and Daishou would.

At twelve years old, Kuroo and Daishou were close again. Adding Kenma to the mix really shook things up, so when he and his family went to America for the Summer, Kuroo and Daishou had all the time in the world to spend together. That summer was one that changed their relationship for the rest of their lives. If anything else had happened, they might still be friends, but the world isn't perfect and neither are they.

Fifteen feels like they broke apart, They're strangers now. Everyone is excited to start high school except for them. Kenma tries to help Kuroo feel better by spending as much time as he can with him considering he's still in Junior High. Kuroo's new Coach puts him in as few games as possible, noticing his mood for the first term.

When they're both seventeen, things still don't seem to get better. In every game, they play against each other, cold stares are being sent back and forth. Tension rising in the air like a hot air balloon. Every game that they play together is the same. Everyone, including the coaches, can sense the difference in the room when they lock eyes, but no one seems to acknowledge it. Daishou's team, Nohebi, will continue to play dirty while Nekoma will follow the rules until the end of time.

Lastly, eighteen. Even though they've matured, neither of the boys liked one another any better. Daishou became captain of his school's volleyball team, and so did Kuroo. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2022 ⏰

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