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We got back to the hotel and I immediately got to work. I started transferring the pictures from my camera to my laptop. I was midway through doing it when there was a knock on my door. I got up from the bed and answered the door. Hailee was on the other side. "hey, can I come in?", she asks. "sure of course, I'm just doing the photo transfer", I replied. "sweeeeettt", she says. She closes the door after her. I sit down on the bed. Hailee walks over slowly. "so uh, your friend seems really nice, Felix", she says. "oh yeah, he is, we met only a couple days ago after your show in Amsterdam actually", I say. I laugh a little. "we got stoned together, and then talked for hours and he walked me to the hotel and was just really nice and unexpected, that day was just i can't describe it", I smile. "really you guys only met a couple of days ago, I thought you guys were a thing or I don't know just i don't know", Hailee says. "oh no, he's just a friend", I say and look down. Hailee sits on the bed next to me. "are you okay?, she asks concerned. I look up." yeah, no it's all good", I say back. "what was the thing you didn't want to talk about, is that what it is“?, Hailee asks." umm, I,....., so", I sit up properly. Hailee looks at me deeply. "I wasnt supposed to go to your concert alone, my ex bought them for us to go to together and would have made a holiday out of it aswell, but I found out that he had been fucking one of my best friends, or then best friends, a few days before we were supposed to leave, and he basically tried to blame me for the breakup even though he was the one who was to blame and he came for me for my body saying that my scars are horrible", I say almost in tears. "oh y/n, I'm so sorry that happened, that shouldnt ever happen to anyone", Hailee says as she puts her hand on my leg. I push my hand through my hair to keep my hair falling in my face. "yeah well that's it I guess, I only wasted like 4 years of my life on him, so not the end of the world", I say. "four years to many", Hailee says. "I'm so sorry I don't want to get upset I just haven't been able to speak about it properly yet", I say. Hailee moves over and gives me a hug. I didn't realise it but I really needed that hug. I let a few tears drop. They dropped onto Hailee's t-shirt. "oh shit I'm sorry, I'll wash it for you", I say. "y/n it's okay, honest, just let your feelings out, I'm here for you", Hailee says. We break the hug off and I wipe my eyes. "I just thought that he was the one you know, I'll come to accept it, but I'm better off I'd say", I say. "trust me you are, I got cheated on with the person I trusted most in the world and I was really hurt", Hailee says. "I'm so sorry Haiz, honest, thank you for taking to me though, it helped a lot, I can start to move on", I say. "anytime y/n", Hailee hugs me. I could stay hugged up to her forever, she makes me feel so secure and safe.

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