when worlds collide

Comenzar desde el principio

I had been hearing about this stupid mating ball for weeks, honestly, I would love to check out the palace tonight.

"It's for the better Than" Styx said lifting her head from her sketch book, charcoal dusted onto her paper white hair as her classically elegant features were illuminated by the beautiful sunset light, her serene brown eyes were plastered with distaste while she thought of the old alpha king "the sooner the old sod is off the throne the better" many of the other wolves chuckled in agreement.

"So, when is it?" my two friends looked at me like I asked how to breath or eat or swallow "the ball I mean"

"Tonight, but you can't seriously want to go Rin" Than asked sceptically

"I don't see why not we deserve mates as much as the next person" I said indignantly but my companions did not look convinced "the party is for 18 and up I mean come on, 21 we're all well overdue to find our mates plus the moon goddess definitely owes us a few favours" I said knowing damn well I didn't want to meet my mate, still they looked at me like I was a crazy person

I sighed. "I heard they have free alcohol"

"So, when did you say this party was?" Styx asked Than grinning


"Please move your hair from your neck" the burly man demanded with a voice full of resentment. I did as requested of me, even rolling my head back to give the guard better access to the spot on my neck he needed to view. Despite this my head was still pinned roughly against a table as he scanned the chip on my neck and analysed my profile for even a rouge growl on my part.

Yeah, you heard me


In our necks

The chips are inserted when a kid finds out they're lycan. It's basically an easy way to keep track of Lycans and their "misdeeds"

They scan them, and then they examine our "profiles"

So, I go out of my way to have a disgustingly clean record. The man gave me a sceptical look but opened the black iron gates onto the streets 

"Mommy, what's happening over there?" the small voice of a child wined,

"Keep walking Ray" and indeed I was right a small girl walked with a young woman I assumed was her mother. I chuckled at how absurd this scene must've looked to a child blissfully unaware of the city of monsters lurking behind these gates. Wolves that could oh so easily shift and jump over a gate waited for it to be opened for them, dressed in fine dresses and suits but acting like drunken teens.

"But who are they" Ray said staring at me in that childlike way, with innocent eyes full of curiosity, I sent a smile the way of the small kid

"they're monsters sweetheart" the mother feared us, the werewolves feared us, the world feared us

And now so did Ray, tears of terror gleamed in the girls eyes,

And the vicious cycle continues 


It was all beautiful, people dressed in finery the grounds of the castle bustling with wolves and humans alike, ballroom music played from what I assumed was the ballroom.

A low whistle from Than (AN: Than is the shortened version of Thanatos, pronounced TH-ANNE)

"that's one heck of a castle" and he was right, it was like a fairy-tale a sandstone and gold castle, that could comfortably house an army.

"Yet we live in slums" Styx joked, rolling her eyes with a chuckle but the hint of bitterness behind her voice was hard to ignore.

The mating ball was traditionally used as a way for wolves to find their mate people fly in from all across the world, if u asked me the entire concept of mates was bullshit, but nothing stopped my wolf for craving her mate and no amount of logical thinking could rewrite my instincts. So here I was and I had a plan of action;

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