when worlds collide

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AUTHORS NOTE- Alrigghtyyy , this is my first story so it will in no means be perfect, gonna be honest I dont expect the updates to be regular unless I'm getting some good feed back. If you find any errors grammatical or spelling please leave the correction in the comments and let me know what you think (btw I'm not from America so if you dont understand any phrases leave a comment)


You can't survive without it, right?

that's just how the world works for us nowadays, you're born one of three things

human – a normie, left alone live your life, nobody really gives two flying monkeys

werewolf- you know the type, the overly attractive packs of dominant superhumans who can turn into wolfs at their beacon will.

or you're like me

a danger

a hazard

a lycanthrope

I know what you're thinking lycanthrope, isn't that the same thing as a werewolf? Well yes and no. a lycan is less hot boy in a fan fiction and more bloodthirsty, don't make them angry, practically animals kind of thing. But if you're looking for a dictionary description then lycanthropy is defined as a genetic "mutation" in wich a werewolf is unable to control their wolf form are more prone to fits of uncontrollable rage.

But take mutation with a grain of salt, because technically Lycans are the original kind of werewolf, but I digress  

My name is Asterin Rose, and I'm your average lycan girl. I was born into a pack of wolves (the basic bitch kind), no parent ever wants to believe they've birthed a lycan, but when the wild temper and inability to shift on command gave me no protection, my pack kicked me to the curb when I was seven.

A certain form of separation as the werewolves like to call it was put into place hundreds of years ago to "protect humans", where lycanthropes were given their own cities-if you could even call them that- where they could live, we could always venture outside of the lands of course but not without a through security check and of course the werewolves would never stoop to being educated with any lycan never mind live with them.

Now me and my friends sat on top of a storage container with the few things that we each used to occupy ourselves. But I was staring at the sunset how its magical colours painted the winter sky, 

I envied how early the sun could go to rest during the colder months.

"Earth to rose" a charcoal dusted hand waved in front of my face snapping me from my internal monolog "you good girl? You're acting kind of out of it" Styx asked worriedly, sending a concerned look the way of our other friends. Most Lycans our age in Willowbrook were friends because we had all been shipped here and raised her, Thanatos, Styx and I are the oldest in the group – at 21, with the youngest of us being 17-, so we were the leaders of the pack, pardon the pun.

"I'm fine, just zoned out what were we talking about?" I asked my voice coming out with a mild rasp.

"We were talking about the new alpha king..." Thanatos started with a mocking grin. He was not a fan of the new king; I was inclined to agree. Just another stuck up ass to tell us how where and why to live. But the young man was not technically a king yet, he hadn't found his mate

His equal

His queen

I chuckled "he isn't the king yet"

Than rolled his eyes and continued "...and how he must be getting really desperate to find his mate and kick his dear old dad off the throne for good if he's now allowing Lycans to come to this year's mating ball" Dear god not this debate again, I mentally rolled my eyes.

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