The Letter

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This is what Nick wrote in the letter to Ellie when he was hypnotized


Your birthday is coming up, and I've been struggling to find a gift as special as you. I have an idea, but I could never give it to you without breaking a rule. Rule 12 says to never date a coworker, but Rule 14 says to bend the line, don't break it. I am going to give you this letter, and hope that you remember it, but never talk about it. When I saw you for the first time, you were holding a gun to my head, and I was frustrated with the world. I had just taken down two hit men, and was at the peak of my fury, when I heard your voice. I wasn't expecting to find someone who would be with me for this many years. I had just met you, but the moment I laid eyes on your hair blowing gently in the wind and fierce look in your eyes to bury mine, I knew I would have you by my side, one way or another. I never would have joined the team if you weren't my partner. Desks weren't my thing, but I knew you would help me through any problems. If I'm being honest, I created some issues just so you would get a little closer to help me. We haven't spent much time together outside of work, but I'm hoping that may change.

I'm not going to say the words, because I'm only bending the rule, but I hope I got my message across.

Happy Birthday Ellie.

                                         From, Nick

Ellick One-ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora