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⚠️TW: Homophobia, abuse⚠️

Jonathan was always the type of brother that cares for their younger siblings feelings. It physically hurt Jonathan to see Will like this, especially, after all of the upside down stuff that happened. Jonathan walked Will to the couch and waited for him to calm down a bit. Jonathan couldn't even guess what had happened now.

"Now can you tell me what's wrong? Wait is it Mike? I swear if Mike did something—" Jonathan started. He was an over protective brother too.

"No, no, no, not him. I-it's Lonnie." Will stammered. He couldn't even manage to call him a father after all he has done to him.

"What? Lonnie?" Jonathan asked, confused.

"He came to the house this morning, and hurt me." Will started as he tore his gaze from the floor and now looking at Jonathan. "Now he's staying there for who knows how long." He continued. Jonathan was so confused as to why Joyce would bring him back into there lives.

"He hurt you?" Jonathan recited. Will nodded. "Where is he now?" Jonathan asked. He wanted to give Lonnie a taste of his own medicine, though he'd probably fail.

"I don't know." Will replied with a quivering voice. He was trembling. He couldn't stop thinking about what happened this morning. After he said this, loud, repetitive knocks sounded behind the door which cause Will to jump. He hoped it wasn't Lonnie. Jonathan walked to the door and looked through the peep hole. He opened the door and Will was relieved it wasn't Lonnie. It was Mike. Mike didn't say hi or ask to come in or anything, he just pushed past Jonathan, walked to Will and engulfed him into a hug.

     "Come in?" Jonathan said, confused and shutting the door.

     "Are you alright? You just ran without saying anything, and I kept calling you but you just ignored me. Are you okay?" Mike asked, obviously very worried for Will.

"No. My dad is back and he's staying." Will said, his voice quivering as he spoke. It was already bad with his first encounter in 4 years, he couldn't imagine how much worse it'd get, especially with Mike around. Don't get him wrong, but he's not ashamed of him, he just doesn't want him or Mike to get hurt. The room went silent. Mike was shocked. The man leaves for almost five years and pops up out of no where?

     "Jonathan, you have to move back. I-I don't think I can live with that anymore. P-please Jonathan." Will pleaded as he turned his direction back towards Jonathan. Will looked really scared. He was visibly shaking, with his big watery eyes looking up at his older brother with desperation. Jonathan felt horrible for him.

     "Will you know I can't do that." Jonathan said. He really wanted to, he really did, he just couldn't abandon Nancy like that. Will just broke down and slumped into the couch. Jonathan felt awful. Just looking at Will like this made him want to cry. If he had to see the damage done to Will, if he goes back, that would just be much worse. After a few minutes Jonathan came up with an idea.

"Hey." Jonathan Jonathan said which caused Mike and Will to look at him. "What if you guys stay here with me and Nancy for a few days?" He continued. Their faces lit up. Will nodded quickly, showing his eagerness to do so.

"Alright, you guys can go pack, I'll go set up somewhere for you guys to sleep." Jonathan added. Will got up and headed for the door, which Mike followed him, but Will stopped him.

"Can you stay here? In case my dad is there. I don't want him to get suspicious. I'll get your stuff too." Will whispered.

"But—" Mike started but Will cut him off.

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