"While I sit here, turning into the definition of disgusted," Parker couldn't hold back her bitterness.

Nick looked down at Mace, looking at her hand in his, "Like the way the ring looks on you,"

Of course, you do, Parker thought.

"That's the spot," Mace said, as they walked to the corner cafe. "Get a table, I'll check out the inside," 

Parker slid into the coffee shop before the cafe, sitting down in the corner, her back to the wall as she logged in to check the cafe and street footage from her phone.

"Sorry, is this seat taken?" Nick asks the man dressed in all black.

"No," He shook his head, taking the grey bag off the chair and placing it on the floor.

"Thank you," Nick smiled, taking the chair and placing the similar grey bag on the floor next to his.

Parker watched the footage inside the cafe, seeing if anyone looked out of the ordinary or suspicious. She also watched Mace walk in, having a quick interaction with the waitress, who wasn't there a second ago, Parker noted. She pulled out her hacker device, running the waitress's facial recognitions with her database.

She went back to the footage, watching Nick and the man interact as Mace walked out again. She noticed the waitress staring at Mace as she walks out, "My God, Mace!" She sighs, putting her device away, and getting up to head out when a waiter stops her.

"Bonjour! Qu'allez-vous manger aujourd'hui?" (Hello, What will you be having today) He smiled.

"Je vais bien, merci," (I'm good, thank you) She smiled, handing him the wrinkled 20 euro bill, before walking past him. But, by the time Parker walked out, the waitress got to Nick and Mace, slipping the coffee over Nick. "Le pute!"(bitch) Parker cursed under your breath, seeing her take the bag and walk inside.

Parker wanted to run after the women, but her job was to get the guy, not to care about the three million dollars, so she waited behind the bushes until the slow couple realized they have been played.

Nick finally noticed the man running away, he picked up the bag checking if the device was inside, while Mace ran after the waitress. "Fuck!" Nick yelled, throwing the bag aside and running in the direction of the man.

"Finally, I was starting to think they were actually ON their honeymoon with how dazed and slow they were," Parker rolled her eyes, checking the GPS that was tracking Nick.

Parker casually walked in the direction of Nick, watching the two men run through the crowd, jumping on cars, sliding over their hoods, and walking on top of them. She made sure to keep an eye on Mace, making sure she doesn't get herself in trouble while trying to get the bag. But she lost visual of Mace though after she when underground.

Nick ran after the man into a back alley, catching up to him and pushing him down. "Where's the drive?" He asked, punching the man square in his jaw.

"Ouch!" Parker whispered, watching this go down from the corner. She looked at her map, seeing an exit point on the other side. She looked back at the man, seeing the man kick Nick's ass and head-butted him making him drop.

"Fucker!" Parker had to fight the urge to get involved, but she doesn't, knowing her ops would blow if she did. Parker quickly jogged to the other end, waiting behind an old desk outside the window for the man to show up. She heard his heavy footsteps coming in her direction, calculating when he would pass her. Parker stuck her leg out, tripping him.

"Drive, now!" She pointed her gun at him. The man raised his hands, backing into a wall. Once he was sat up against it, catching his breath, he kicked Parker in the shin, making her lose her balance, and swiped her feet, dropping her to the side. Parker groaned as she got up, limping trying to catch up with him. By the time she tried to search for him in the maze of the alley, she had lost him.

Just as Parker was about to turn the corner into the alley, she hears a British voice, making her stop before turning the corner.

"Do you have the drive?" They asked.

Parker stayed silent, trying to listen to the interaction. She didn't know who was talking to who, but she heard the word drive so she stayed. She couldn't hear what they said or make out if they said anything.

"No," She heard Nick answer after a long pause. There was a silence before she heard the click of a gun, she was about to turn to check out what was going on but saw the man running off, she debated whether to see Nick or go after the man.

Parker huffed, going after the man, she knew Nick could take care of himself, he was the best agent they had, but she also had a fear that whatever that interaction was, it wasn't good.

Parker followed the man to hotel Paradis, everything about this job felt wrong, why did Larry want this man dead? Who was the other woman? Who was talking to Nick? Why were they asking him about the drive? 

She noted the hotel he walked into, she was ordered to kill him if something went wrong, but they didn't get the drive thing, and he sure as hell didn't have it during the op, which means he still has it, which means Parker would yet again overrule her orders, to find out the mess Larry put her in. 

A/N: Sorry for the delayed update, I am currently working on four different stories right now, that hopefully will be ready to publish in the next few weeks, so watch out for them, and also... Don't forget to vote and comment, I love seeing your comments and would love some constructive criticism because I have serious doubts about my writing.

Just Us ~ Nick Fowler [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now