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Parker was livid.

She had no reason to be, tho. Nick wasn't her boyfriend anymore, he didn't belong to her. She had lost her chance with him. It was because of her arrogance and workaholic behavior that he left. 

She made the decision to take the field job, much to Nick's disapproval. It was her actions that pushed him away. 

She sat there, staring daggers into the wall, her hand not loosening up, and her eyes continuously leaking as the sun set. She tried to block out the image of Mace and Nick together, but the floor creaked when the bed moved, Mace's faint whimpers filled her ears, making her heart sore. 

She wanted to get up, she wanted to jump out the window or light herself on fire. 

This was all because of her, if only she would have listened to him, and stayed a desk agent, it would probably be her that would have been wrapped in Nick's huge warm arms, it would have her forehead he kissed, it would have been her, who would be screaming his name, but it wasn't

It was Mace.

Parker cried herself to sleep in the same uncomfortable, painful position that she sat in, her back arched forwards, her knees folded to her chest, and a few strings of her hair sticking on her face because of the tears.

When she woke up, her left hand had dried up blood painting it a dark currant red and had small white specks of ceramic stuck around the huge gash in the center of her palm. She also noticed the gun in her right hand, the safety off and her thumb holding the trigger, the gun point-blank on her forehead, was holding her head up. She threw the gun away and started picking the debris off her hand. 

Parker forgot that she had thrown her iPad on the floor, and the fact that it shatter, littering the floor. She hisses as she stepped in the shards, quickly falling back onto the bench. "Fuck!" She screamed through gritted teeth, slowly pulling each glass piece out of her foot, she picked up her boots, slipping them on before getting up. Parker grabbed the broom, swiping the rubble to the side so the room service people can take care of it later.

"Shit!" She cursed looking at the time. She only had an hour and a half to get ready and check the location before Nick and Mace got there. 

She quickly got ready, wearing some high-waisted black ripped jeans with a black tank top, and a blue and black plaid shirt tied to her waist. She debated wearing it, as it was Nick's but she didn't want to look like death's daughter in bright pink Paris, so she wore it anyway. 

By the time Parker bandaged her hand, picked up her things, and got into the busy Paris streets, Nick and Mace were already walking towards the locations, she put her comms, already hacking into Nick's phone to listen to their conversation. 

Parker had already written her mail of resignation to Larry, she wanted to finish this god-forsaken op and she would be done with this bullshit. For good

Since this was gonna be her last mission, she decided to leave all her emotions in the hotel room or at least tried to channel her hurt to bitterness. Right now she was just an agent working on an op.

Parker was currently walking a few feet behind the couple, listening to their 'oh so cute' conversation.

"Isn't it a little cliche?" Mace smiled.

"What?" Nick smiled, back, his arm draped over Mace's shoulder while their fingers interlocked.

"Honeymoon in Paris,"

"Just cause it's cliche, doesn't mean it's not romantic," Nick replied.

"Well, that depends on the definition of romance," Mace smiled, turning the corner.

Just Us ~ Nick Fowler [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now