"Oh Charlie" Bree manages to gasp out with a hand placed over her mouth and slight tears gathering in her eyes. "It took me a while to figure out what to get you but i know you love sentimental thigs like this so i got it made" Charlie explains to her with a smile, trying to hide his nerves from her quiet state. That breaks through Bree's current state and all at once her hair turns a vibrant yellow in the blink of an eye as she pulls him in for an appreciative and loving embrace. "I love it, it's one of the best things you have ever given me" she tells him honestly before turning her head slightly to place a gentle peck on his cheek. His grin grows wider at her words feeling proud of himself for getting her a good present. "Ok, now it's your turn" the grinning witch states towards him as she pulls out a long rectangular slim box and places it in his larger hands. Charlie looks over the box curiously and flicks his eyes up to her own once before slowly opening the lid. Inside on a velvet cushion sat a black leather bracelet with a silver clasp. Connected in the middle of the bracelet was a silver dragon curled up, looking to be asleep. It also held a red gem stone in the centre of its back. "I have one too except my gem is yellow. We can use them to communicate. All you have to do is speak what you want to say to the dragon and the message will be sent to mine. You will know once you receive a message as the dragon will stand up straight. They also only reacts to our voices". Charlie was amazed at what she had given him but also extremely happy. They would be able to talk and hear each other voices a lot more now. It would make communication and their time a part at least a little easier. "Thanks love" he tells her gratefully whilest putting the bracelet securely on his left wrist before leaning over to gently peck her lips. "I love you" he states with a giddy grin making Bree laugh at his expression "i love you too".

A little while later Bree goes in search of Harry to give him her hand made present and finds him in the room with the Black family tree. "Hey Harry" she greets him with a smile that he returns. "Hey, Happy Christmas Bree" he wishes her kindly. "You too, i have something for you though" the witch states shuffling round in her puckets before pulling out a small circular object. Gently placing it in his hand, she waves her wand over it making it grow back to it's original size. This let Harry see that it was actually a medium sized snow globe. All along the bottom of it held encouraging words that she had told him before along with a few pictures of books, wands, dogs and the sorting hat. However, what really captured his attention was the inside of the snow globe. It never stopped snowing but the image would change every few minutes. First it showed himself and Bree standing next to each other laughing happily to themselves, then it would switch to Sirius and him with their arms around each others shoulders and smiles on their faces. Lastly it showed himself, Ron and Hermione together but it was actually the memory from when he threw snowballs at Malfoy and his minions. That last one brought a small laugh from his mouth before he looked up at Bree and pulled her in for a tight hug "thanks Bree". "Your very welcome Harry" she responds to him with a soft smile across her face.

Unfortunately the moment is ruined when creatures appears behind them muttering his usual hateful words while they just look at him. "CREATURE!" Sirius shouts from the stairs making Bree jump "that's enough of your vile. AWAY WITH YA!". Creatures bows slightly towards his current master "of course master, Creature lives to serve the noble house of black". Sirius then makes way down the rest of the stairs and enters the room to say "sorry about that. He never was very pleasant, even when i was a boy. Not to me anyway". Bree gives him an appreciative smile while Harry turns to look over the wall in front of them. The bespectacled boy seems to realise something though as he quickly turns to ask Sirius "what, you grew up here?". "This was my parents house" Sirius answers him honestly "i offered it to Dumbledore as headquarters for the order. Looks like the only useful thing ive been able to do". He then continues explaining by pointing out Bellatrix Lestranges pictuir on the wall "my deranged cousin, i hated the lot of them". "Well except my mum" Bree comments bringing Harry's attention to her as Sirius nods his head in agreement. The young witch then points to the blacked out picture next to Bellatrix labeled Andromeda "that's where my mum's picture used to be but it's blacked out because she was disowned. I was told it was done the day they found out she was going to run away and marry my dad". Sirius nods again "yes i remember that day. My mother received a letter stating what had happened and in a fit of rage she came in here and blasted her face off the wall". Harry looked between them in shock at this revelation "she Blasted her off the wall just because she was getting married?". "My dad is muggleborn and to marry one is a disgrace to the Black family. Even if i was to marry Charlie it would be seen as a disgrace to the Black family name because he's seen as a blood traitor. Luckily i don't speak to most of the ones remaining anyway" Bree explains to Harry gesturing at her own pictuir on the wall. In the pictuir she held a slight smile and her hair would change colour every few seconds. Sirius scoffs to himself as they walk over towards his own blacked out picture on the wall "my parents, pure blood mania. My mother did that after i ran away, charming woman. I was sixteen". "Where did you go?" Harry asks him with Bree watching curiously for his reply. "Your dads" Sirius quietly responds with a twitch of his lips "i was always welcome at the Potter's". Bree smiles sadly at him knowing how close he was with James and also knowing how much he missed him. He had told her a few stories about there time at Hogwarts, even her mum had told her a few. She had never heard of a pair of boys so destined to be brothers by everything but blood like James and Sirius were. It was heartbreaking that he lost James in such a way. 

"I see him so much in you Harry. You are so very much alike" Sirius comments looking only at his godson making Bree feel like she was intruding on a special moment between them. "I'm not so sure. Sirius when i saw Mr. Weasley attacked i wasn't just watching. I was the snake" Harry hesitantly informs them with a shaky voice. Bree and Sirius manage to hold a neutral expression but inside they were both incredibly worried and concerned about him. "Afterwards in Dumbledores office there was a moment where i-i wanted to" he continues to try and explain with a stutter in his tone looking like he was getting a bit riled up before he managed to calm himself down. "This connection between me and Voldemort, what if the reason for it is because i am becoming more like him. I just feel so angry all the time and what if after everything that I've been through somethings gone wrong inside me, what if I'm becoming bad?". Brees heart broke at how vulnerable and scared Harry sounded. She can't believe that he was keeping all this bottled up inside him for so long. She knew he felt so alone these last few months but she just wished he could see that wasn't the case at all. It was honestly making the tips of her hair turn blue in sadness for him. Sirius quickly moves to hold Harry by the shoulders for reassurance "i want you to listen to me very carefully Harry. You're not a bad person. You're a very good person who bad things have happened to, you understand? Besides the world isn't split in two, we've all got both light and dark inside of us. What matters is the part we decide to act on. That's who we really are". "Sirius is right Harry" Bree decides to speak up bringing the young boys attention to her "you are so strong and brave to have made it this far and i know you will make it through this. Do you know why?". When she receives a shake of his head she places her hand on his left shoulder and continues saying "because you have people who love and care for you all around you. We will help you through it, all you need to do is have the courage to ask for help. I know that's easier said then done but believe me when i say i know you can do it with time. Just have patients and try not to push us away". Harry slowly nods his head looking unsure about what she said but willing to listen and give it a try. A knock from behind them makes them turn to see Hermione standing there looking slightly sheepish "Harry, time to go". 

"When all this is over we will be a proper family" Sirius promises Harry walking towards the door before pulling him into a comforting hug that the young boy instantly returns. What they said had struck a chord with him and they would help him in the long run but for now he will do as Bree advised him; be patient and keep his loved ones close. 

"I hope our words helped him in some way" Bree worriedly says once Harry left with Hermione. "I'm sure they did. All we can do now is keep an eye on him" Sirius tells her trying to keep the small smile on his face and hide the worry in his eyes. It doesn't work. Bree clearly sees the emotions trying to hide in his eyes which her to placing a reassuring hand on his shoulder "don't worry Sirius. I'll keep an eye on him in school". A real smile lights up his face this time while he pulls her into a grateful, warm hug "thanks Bree. You're a great cousin and sister figure"

(I finally did it!!!!! Sorry it took so long i was meant to update just before Christmas but i couldn't for the life of me think what the presents could be. Sorry for the wait hope you enjoyed it).

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