chapter 7

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Three days before the first task Bree could be found sitting in the great hall eating breakfast with Abby, the twins and Lee. "So my little bean hows André" asks Bree with a teasing grin causing Abby to almost choke on her pumpkin juice. "Hes good, he meets me in the courtyard after classes where we sit on a bench and get to know each other better" answers Abby while blushing and avoiding eye contact. "Aw our little bean has a crush" the twins cooe while Lee snickers causing Abbys blush to darken. "Shut up" Abby mutters before a devious smirk comes to her face and she turns to her best friend sitting beside her "hows Charlie, you have been writting to him a lot the past few weeks". Bree almost drops the piece of toast in her hand at the conversation change causing the twins and Lee to chuckle at her reaction. "Hes good he just wants to know how im handling the tournament and if im doing ok while i do the same with him" answers Bree slowly hoping her answer wouldnt lead to more teasing which she knew was a hopeless thought. "Awwwww hes worried about you how adorable" gushes Lee causing the blonde to groan in annoyance while the others laugh. Unknown to her a familiar figure enters the Great Hall and heads towards her while others watch on in confusion on why the person was there. The figure waves at the staff in greeting which they return along with smiles and continue to watch him approach a certain person with a knowing twinkle in their eyes. The figure quietly stands behind Bree without her noticing and puts a fingers to their lips with a wink to tell the others to be quiet. "Of course he was worried we care about each other and this tournament can be dangerous. I even get worried sometimes when hes handling an angry dragon, its a natural feeling" Bree rants exasperated by their teasing. "Aw you worry about me thats so sweet but theres no need i always come back in one piece" a deep familiar voice speaks up from behind her resulting in her mouth falling open in shock as she also drops her half eated toast. 

Not wasting a second she turns around and dives on the person, wrapping her arms around their neck and her legs around his waist gaining a deep chuckle from the person while also ignoring the laughing of her friends behind her. "I missed you too Bree" Charlie laughs while holding her tightly against him. She pulls back slightly to look at him and punches him in the shoulder while saying "idiot why didnt you tell me you were coming". "It was supposed to be a suprise so it would be pointless if i did" points out Charlie as she unwraps her legs and puts them on the floor again. "Yeah your right" she huffs and looks away from him crossing her arms as he chuckles and uses his forefinger to lift her face up to face his. "Aw you look cute when your annoyed" the red head teases causing her cheeks and hair to turn pink making him grin in success. "So do you want us to leave or..." they hear Abby ask from behind them causing them to snap out of their own world and turn towards her friends. "Its great how our brother greets his girlfriend before us" George sarcastically comments causing Brees blush to darken "i agree Georgie, how disrespectful" agrees Fred. "Dont worry i missed you guys too" assures Charlie with a chuckle as he hugs the twins which jumps his other two siblings into gear as they also run over to hug their older brother. "So what are you doing here" asks Ron confused on why his brother would come to Hogwarts. "Ah thats a secret im afraid little brother" Charlie answers his youngest brother just as Bree takes notice of Harry leaving the Great hall. "Hey um ill catch up with you later ok i wanted to make sure Harry was ok since the tournament is so close" explains Bree to which the group give their understanding before she grabs her bag and runs to catch up with the young wizard. "Hey Harry wait up" the blonde calls out to the boy once he comes into sight making him stop and turn to face her. "Hey Bree whats up" Harry greets the kind blonde with a smile. "I know what the first task is" whispers Bree once shes close enough and looks around her to make sure no one is around. Harry stares at her shocked as she continues talking "its dragons i just dont know what we have to do with them". "Thanks for telling me even though you didnt have too" says Harry gratefully. "Of course i did i value fair play and im about seventy percent certain the other champions will know by tonight too so it wouldnt be fair if you were out of the loop" answers Bree honestly with a warm smile. "Im also sorry about how people are treating you and i keep asking people not to wear the badges" Bree tells him with a frown feeling bad for the tough time hes having. "Its alright i dont blame you but thanks anyway" Harry reassures her with a grateful smile. "I really did try to get rid of the badges and i hope things get better for you soon" Bree wishes for him honestly knowing he doesnt deserve what has been happening to him. "Really i appreciate it and ill talk to you later ok" Harry tells her to which she nods and lets him leave to go to class. "That was nice of you" a voice speaks up from behing the witch making her jump a foot in the air. She turns to see Charlie standing there laughing loudly at her reaction to his prescence. "Charlie what the hell" exclaims Bree annoyed "you almost gave me a heart attack". "Sorry" chuckles the red head as he moves to stand in front of her "i followed you cause i had a feeling thats what you came out here to do and i was right. Your too kind for your own good but at least you dont let people take advantage of it". "I didnt want him to be at a disadvantage to the other champions so i thought it only fair to tell him" explains Bree honestly making Charlie smile at how sweet she is. "I understand now off you go to class or you will be late" Charlie instructs her which she agrees to before wishing him fair well and skipping off to class.

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