Before meeting Anakin Skywalker, she only knew the basics about engines. She knew how to repair minor faults and run maintenance routines, but that was the extent of her knowledge. Anakin, however, taught her everything she would ever need to know about vehicles, speeders included. If she needed to, she could put an entire ship together using spare parts.

"The turbine is corroded and the right-hand thrusters are damaged," (Y/N) announces. "We have no chance of getting it restarted without some new parts."

Arthree beeps, reminding her they are far away from any nearby cities. If they wait here for Jawas, they run the risk of being attacked by Sandpeople.

They need to find parts nearby, and they need to do it now.

(Y/N) turns around, allowing herself to scan the area. There must be someplace nearby where they can acquire the parts they seek.

At the top of the largest surrounding dune, (Y/N) notices what appears to be a hut. It is on its own, completely isolated from others on Tatooine. If she is going to find parts nearby, this will be the only place.

"I'm going to see the owner of that hut," (Y/N) says to Arthree, pointing to the top of the sand dune. "You can come with me if you like, or you can wait to be captured by Jawas."

Arthree ignites her thrusters and lifts herself off the ground before heading directly toward the hut. (Y/N) knows she would have followed her up the sand dune regardless of the situation, but watching her reaction to the mention of Jawas is always a funny sight.

(Y/N) walks up the dune toward the small hut. Its dull exterior makes it appear abandoned; as though no one has been around for a long time. Given how far it is from any sign of life, she would not be surprised if that were the case.

As she approaches the door, (Y/N) lifts the hood of her robe over her head; essentially securing her identity. The very concept of trust is foreign to her now, and the thought of anyone recognizing her is comparable to a nightmare.

With an inexplicable feeling of dread in her chest, and a rapid beat of her heart, (Y/N) reaches the front of the small homestead. She slowly, carefully, reaches her hand upward.

Her trembling hand knocks softly against the door; making a sound too weak for the regular human ear to recognize.

An older man with a slightly rugged appearance opens the door. (Y/N) tilts her head toward the ground, hiding beneath the shadow of her hood, while still managing to look at his face.

"I'm sorry to bother you," (Y/N) mumbles, creating a deeper tone of voice than what she is used to. "My speeder broke down not too far from here, and I was hoping to borrow spare parts to repair it."

Though standing before a stranger, (Y/N) feels... at ease. She does not feel a sense of danger in the air around her, nor does she notice any signs of hostility in this man.

The man standing in the doorway finds her soft, innocent voice all too familiar. No amount of time or distance could make him forget her.

"(Y/N)?" He asks.

She stumbles back a little, initially frightened of what this may mean. Someone knows who she is and whether that will work for or against remains to be seen.

As her mind becomes crippled by anxiety, and her soul shadowed with doubt, (Y/N) remembers something. She remembers a conversation she had long ago. When she was forced to leave her son on Tatooine, a friend chose to stay behind to guide and protect him. A friend that she will always trust.

Without even the slightest hesitation, she lifts the hood off her head; removing the one form of protection her identity currently has. She looks at the man before her; properly looks. Despite his aged appearance, she knows who he is.

Ghost Of Me - Anakin Skywalker x Reader (BOOK 2)Where stories live. Discover now