|The Lonely Battleship|

Start from the beginning

"I'm fine, I'm capable of handling the wounds I received..." (Tirpitz)

"You're clearly not in good condition, I'm taking you to the infirmary right now so you can get properly treated!" (Y/N)

"I can assure you, Commander, that there's no need for such thing" (Tirpitz)

"What I said wasn't a suggestion, it was an order" (Y/N)

With not much of a choice on her part, Tirpitz could only go ahead and obey the order to go to the infirmary to check the wounds she got during battle. Even if she's still telling the Commander is nothing serious, he already made up his mind.


Once they arrived at the principal infirmary around the base, the Commander offered himself to take care of Tirpitz's small wounds around her face, luckily enough, her riggings and ship were already under repair and it shouldn't take long for her to be able to participate in future commissions or any operation.

|Infirmary Room|

Thursday 5 P.M

"Is this completely necessary, Commander?" (Tirpitz)

"I insist, now stand still while I patch you up" (Y/N)

With a soft cotton and some alcohol, the Commander was carefully treating Tirpitz's little wounds.

The white-haired woman followed his orders and didn't move much, despite the situation she was as stoic as always trying to get this over with.

The silence between both broke after a few minutes with the Commander starting a small conversation.

"I understand that you're powerful and all of that, but don't you think you should be more careful during these sorts of missions?" (Y/N)

"I do not believe it's necessary to hold myself against them, I can endure whatever they throw at me, you should know that better than anyone" (Tirpitz)

"Even if you say that, you can still be sunk during battle" (Y/N)

Those sudden and unexpected words from the Commander seemed to have struck somewhere in Tirpitz's mind as she remained in silence for a moment.

"I'm not telling you to not engage in combat but to be careful when fighting, everyone was worried, even Bismarck, you know?" (Y/N)

"Even her, huh?" (Tirpitz)

Tirpitz doesn't seem to be that amused by the fact her sister was worried about what happened, there was still some tension between both and she rarely talked to her.

"I was worried as well, Tirpitz, I can't afford to lose anyone and I was fearing for the worst when I got the news" (Y/N)

"..." (Tirpitz)

That serious expression of Tirpitz slowly fades away when hearing the Commander's words, it was difficult to tell what she was thinking at that moment, but it seems that the usual harsh attitude from her vanishes at least for now.

Even if Tirpitz shows a harsh sort of attitude most of the time, she has a deep respect for the Commander and his authority.

"Did I make you worried? I do apologize if that's how you felt..." (Tirpitz)

As a result, knowing that the Commander was worried about what happened surprised her a bit.

"Of course I was, you're as important as everyone else!" (Y/N)

The Daily Life Of The Commander |Azur Lane One-Shots|Where stories live. Discover now