Interogation 101

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"So why'd you do it, huh?" Asked Jonas as he slammed his hand on the table "not gonna talk eh!?"
Just then Nick stopped reading the files and said he had a history of bank heists.
"Apparently this guy had a history of bank heist and robberies in his past, same with the rest of the group he was with" Nick said to Jonas.
"So where's the rest of the money?" Asked Jonas
The man never answered Jonas punched the table and repeated "WHERE IS THE MONEY!?"
The man simply replied "gone"
"What do you mean it's gone?" Asked Nick
"We spent our share and the boss won't tell us where the rest is, even if I did know what makes you think I would tell you?" Said the man
"Well I don't think your telling me everything here and you have one last chance to tell me, WHERE IS THE MONEY!?"
The man said "I honestly don't know where the money is ,but the guy lives in an apartment above the dry cleaners"
"Ok we can work with that" said Nick and then Jonas said "get ready we're going now!"
"now?!" Asked Nick "why"
"Because we don't even know if he is still there,get him in his cell and let's go!"

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