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She was panting, her face was covered with sweat, eyes opened, tears were endlessly flowing. I didn't wait a second before running towards her and engulfing her on my embrace. She looked dead. Panick started spreading over my whole body.

"H-hey.... Alice...." I couldn't even form words. I shook her shoulders slightly. I got no response.
"Look here.... You are okay... See I'm here...." I said pulling her more closer if that was even possible. She seemed like she came out of her trance. The next thing I heard was her loud cries. My heart clenched seeing her like that. Her hands found it's way to my back. She sat still, locking her palms behind me. I patted her back and whispered sweet nothing's in her ear. Her face was stuffed on my chest. I caressed her tresses.

"Nothing happened. You are not alone" I whispered to which she tightened her hold over my torso. I rested my chin on top of her head. Soon her grip over mine loosened. I slowly parted her body from mine and made her comfortable on the bed.

I stared at her tear stained face. I had never witnessed such a vulnerable Alice in the whole two months of our marriage. I tried to get off the bed, that was when I saw her small hand fisted on my shirt. I smiled looking at her sleeping face. I slowly took her hand in mine and Kissed her finger tips.

"I don't know what happened to you. But no matter what, please stay strong" I said brushing her hair strands off her face. I wiped her face with a wet towel and watched her sleeping soundly. I checked her drawers and shelves. As I got some medicine strips, I searched it over the internet.

My eyebrows pulled in to a line as the result showed on the screen.
"Sleep paralysis?"  I gasped. She had sleep paralysis. I couldn't help but my heart kept clenching, thinking how much she had been going through. And realising I wasn't there to help her didn't do any good to my weak heart. I knew her parents died at her early age, which made me think that she could understand how orphan kids would feel. We were same, only difference was she had gotten someone to raise her while I got no one with me. No one knew how much I had suffered.

"I just wish, we'll be there for eachother" I heaved out.

It was already 3 in the morning. I had an important work that day. But a part of mine told me to stay with her. I took  shower and prepared a quick breakfast for her. It was half past 5 O'clock, I saw her squirming on the bed. She stretched her arms and slowly opened her eyes. I was the first thing that catched her eyes. She looked at me in confusion and the her surroundings. I chuckled and sat near her on the bed.

"Good morning" I said ever so gently.
"M-morning" she said still processing.
"Did you sleep well?" I asked her. She nodded her head and faced the floor.
"Just go back sleep. Okay? It's too early. And I'll be off in few minutes" I said.
"O-oh. I'm sorry. Wait. I'll make something real quick" she said before yanking off the blanket.
"No need.... I've prepared for you. It's too early for me to have breakfast right?" I said smiling to which she nodded.
"Make sure you have food" she said.
"I will..." I Mumbled. She fiddled her fingers tempting to ask me something.
"You can ask me anything. I still have time" I said. She stared me for a good minute and asked "didn't you sleep well?"
"I did" I said not wanting to make her upset.
"No. You didn't. I'm sorry for disturbing you" she said still not facing me. I slowly patted her palm.
"It's not a big deal. I'm more worried and upset that I just found it out today. You have sleep paralysis and you didn't even bother to tell me. You could have told me instead of bearing it all alone" I said caressing her knuckles.
"I was alone all these years. It had been a routine" she said smiling weakly.
"You are not. Not anymore. You have me" I said softly staring at her crystal eyes. I couldn't read her smiling eyes. It had many other emotions too.

"Don't take these pills anymore. And I'm not asking for reasons why you've been taking these. You can tell me whenever you feel comfortable around me. Okay?" I said caressing her long wavy hair. She nodded her head smiling while holding back her brimming tears.
"I'm going now. I'm sorry it's really urgent today. Otherwise I would have asked for a day off." I said feeling extremely helpless. I wanted to stay with her, but I couldn't help because, we needed that job.
"Don't be. I'm fine" she said smiling while caressing the top of my palm.
"Take care" I said before kissing her temple.
I turned to see her one last time before leaving and gave a smile. The day went awfully slow. It felt like a year. I just wanted to get back home and spend time with her. But my tiring job kept me busy. I reached home late than any other day. She was nowhere to be seen. I heard noises coming out of her bathroom. I went to my room to freshen up. She was still not out of the shower. I furrowed my brows before knocking the bathroom door.

"Are you there?" I asked.
"Y-yeah" she stuttered.
"You okay?" I enquired and she hummed. I wasn't satisfied by her reply. I ushered left to right. Few more minutes passed, still no trace of her.
"If you are not gonna open the door, I'm gonna barge in" I warned loosing my temper. Not hearing any responses, I was about to turn the door knob, she opened the door.

It seemed like she had been in shower for so long. I examined her. Though she was staring at the floor, somethings didn't go unnoticed by me. Fingerprint on her face, scratches on her forearm, bruised neck and forehead

UNTIL DEATH DO US PARTHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin