"Friend of Sensei's huh?" Shigaraki said, leaning his elbow on the counter as he looked at the 3 of them. 

Hisashi saw the woman's finger twitch, intentionally, and took that as a sign to take a step forward, cooly stretching a bit as he moved over. Shigaraki's eyes flickered to him, wanting to glare at him, but he couldn't stop the curiosity he felt. 

"This is our associate," the woman said, raising her hand to gesture at him. 

"Associate, heck I'd say he's basically family," the man said, slapping an arm on Hisashi's shoulder. 

Hisashi grunted at the weight of the palm, looking over with a small glare only for him to throw him a cocky grin. 

He could only roll his eyes at him, yanking his shoulder away from the unnaturally large man and rubbing his shoulder. 

"Hisashi," he said with a nod, before lifting his hand to remove his cigarette, blowing smoke. 

Shigaraki couldn't be bothered with the smoke, but his eyes widened ever so slightly at his name. 

"Hisashi? As in, Midoriya Hisashi?" Shigaraki said, only to get his answer in the smirk the man gave him. 

The large man could only laugh at the surprise in Shigaraki arm, wrapping his arm around his wife's shoulders with a crazed grin. 

"It seems someone has heard of our daughter honey," the man said, grinning, leaving his wife to glare at the floor harshly at the mention of her daughter. 

She flicked her hand up, activating her Quirk, green mist covering her hand. She performed an action, literally shutting her husband up before flicking her wrist to remove him from around her. Her eyes glowed green at the usage of her power, and her hair frame her face as it floated. 

Shigaraki's eyes flew to them, realization taking over as he stared at all 3 of them. Suddenly he thought of Kinetic's Quirk, watching as the woman in front of him performed telekinesis, which had to be her Quirk, on the man that was supposedly her husband. 

He looked at Hisashi's curled black hair, before flickering to his features. 

The man (and supposed step-father) had freckles, and so did the other. 

The woman had green eyes and green hair. 

The other man had darker skin and red eyes. 

Shigaraki almost laughed at the connections and he couldn't help the cruel smirk that formed as he removed the hand from his face. 

"My daughter, I mean she does have my name," Hisashi smirked, prompting the woman to wave her hand, crushing the cigarette in his mouth with a ball of her fist, letting the light her Quirk created fizzle into nothing with a drop of her hand to her hip. 

"That's why we're here. We didn't spend 6 years with the little brat just for her to do the exact opposite of what she was created for," the woman spoke, clearly irritated, dropping her other hand, letting her husband fall to the ground behind her. 

Hisashi glared at the woman, not hesitating to light another before he walked a little closer. 

"Midoriya Eli? That's who you're talking about right?" Shigaraki asked. 

The woman glared again, about to speak, only for a hand to place itself on her shoulder. 

"Eli Midoriya don't exist," her husband spoke up, confusing Shigaraki before the woman continued. 

"He and my dear sister slapped that name on her before anyone could even question what happened. I'm guessing she knew what we were doing," the woman said with a huff of a chuckle, shaking her head a bit as she looked away. 

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