(encanto)how can i choose who i like?

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ever since she was able to relax more,she was able to think about her love life,but she started to notice something about her.

she wasnt like any girls,well besides her gift,but she was also very buff.

she noticed how guys prefer slim woman over one who had muscles.

she didn know if she could find love.

well,it was until she found 2 letters.

they both were confession letters,but there was a problem.

there was 2 letters,

she didnt know which one to go to,she noitced something.

they told her to go to a spot,the same spot at the same time.

so she decided to go.

when she went to the spot,she found a boy and girl there.

and they were kicking eachother a##es.

boy: luisa is mine! i had a crush on her first! so she is mine!

girl: no! she is mine! i liked her first so back off ya cowards!

luisa: um.......

they both look at luisa,and there faces turn red.

girl: um........you saw nothing!

they separated and wipe the dust off there clothes.

luisa: so you both like me?

boy: i liked you first.

girl: no! i liked her first!

they both started to argue again,then they were silenced.

it was because luisa kissed both of them.

they looked at her,surprised.

luisa: how about i date you both? im into boys and girls.

she was then kissed by the boy and girl,she didnt mind it through.

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