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Gingerbrave sat at the bench as he sipped on a smoothie that Sparkling had made for him. It was a decent day. Flowers popped out more than usual today though, the sun seemed brighter, even the clouds looked more fluffier than ever. Brave admired the view, but it didn't make him any happier.

It's been about a month since Wizard had left, he missed him. Flowers bloomed in Brave's heart when he first met the cookie, loving them more than anything else. Those flowers are still there, and it felt like they had grown thorns. And it hurt. He thought about him day and night, and could only wonder if Wizard had felt the same with him.

"I take it you're new here?" the cookie approached Wizard, sitting beside him and smiling. "Y-Yeah- I guess so," the lad responded. "Watcha reading?" the cookie asked. "A magic book," the lad answered.
More and more questions came from the other cookie, it began to irritate the poor Wizard.
"Don't you have anything important to do?"
"Not really, I'm not much use with the battles and all that," the cookie chuckled softly, but Wizard noticed the slight sadness in their tone.

"Battles?" he questioned.
The cookie only nodded. Wizard looked at the cookie, forgetting his book and magic all in one. He lifted his hand.
"It's Wizard," he introduced himself.
"Gingerbrave," Brave did the same, taking the hand. He smiled. Wizard suddenly noticed the light freckles that scattered on the other cookie's face. He found them adorable, he found Gingerbrave adorable. He looked so perfect in Wizard's eyes. The feeling was strange, he's never felt it before.


The two hanged out all the time, looking forward to each other's company each day. They made the most of their young childhoods, and they did all of it together. Before they knew it, the two had caught feelings for one another. Everything seemed like a blur to the both of them. They grew up, being happy as they got to be close. Although the feelings stood hidden.


Gingerbrave continued sipping on the smoothie, staring into the grass as little gumdrop beetles interacted with one another. Sadness filled his little cookie brain the more he thought about his old friend, and he didn't know if he'd ever see them again.

/this ones shrot HHDHAHAH)

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