Swing Lynn /2/

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The train whistled loudly, the wind blew hard against it, the clouds being a soft hue of pink and white. The carts of the train bouncing as it hit the small bumps in the railroad, the train took the same route and back. It only left once a week and took 2 days to get back.

Upon these carts, two giggling cookies were clinging onto each other.

"I can't believe you convinced me to do this!" Wizard squealed and laughed as Brave was playfully pushing him. "You're the one who kept daydreaming about all of this, I only did you a favor," he responded full of pride. Although Gingerbrave was right, he was only partially right.
Wizard just wasn't daydreaming about any old trip in the train. A trip in the train with Gingerbrave. Just the two of them, just how Brave had promised back that one night. That such beautiful night where he got his closure from all his guilt.

"Yeah.. I was just hesitant. Besides, do you really think I wanted to do this alone?" he questioned then burst out laughing when Gingerbrave got knocked over by another bump in the cart. "If you did this alone, I would miss you so much! Two days is already enough for me when it comes to not being with my best friend" Brave whined.
"Best friend?" Wizard suddenly questioned.
"Yeah? Do you.. not consider me your best friend too...?" Brave sounded slightly hurt and Wizard definitely caught on to his emotions. "I do! Maybe even more than just best friends.. more like... Best-Best-Best best friends!"
He cringed at his sudden excitment and urge to reassure the other cookie. Best didn't even sound like a word anymore. But it got a smile out of Gingerbrave nonetheless.

"I'm glad, Wizard" he responded.


choo-choo motherfucker

Wizard shot awake to realize he'd been practically using Gingerbrave as his own personal pillow. Brave was passed out still and seemed so comfortable. The train's whistle always woke Wizard up on the nights it would go and meet its destination. It fascinated the cookie in an odd way.
Imagine being locked up all the time and suddenly you can go out to a far away place, only to come back and be locked up again? The days felt like forever when the train was quiet and nonexistent to the town. Maybe he looked too far into such a trivial thought. Now that he was inside the train, going to see where the strange thing's destination is, the soul purpose of its very existence, the whistle woke him up before it even sounded. Even better yet, the one he loves is just within his reach.

He daydreamed about the cookie for so long and only could watch from afar. The way the cookie was easily stolen away from him just by someone going to have a conversation and leaving Wizard out of it, that irritated the poor lad. He wanted Brave to look at him like no other. For Gingerbrave to see.. him.

"What are you doing up so early?" he heard a voice question and turned to the other who was struggling to even open his eyes. How did Gingerbrave manage to always just.. somehow keep him company no matter what? Maybe he's a demon. Wizard wouldn't know.
Don't worry, though.
Gingerbrave definitely isn't a demon.

'Although... that'd be pretty cool,' Wizard thought out of nowhere. Hm.. if his friend was a demon? Demonbrave cookie? He shook the thought away before it got weird.
"I always wake up to the sound of the train's whistle," Wizard answered as he stared out at the sky through the open door of the cart. "It's almost like it's calling me.." he continued.

"When no one else would.." Wizard finished. He suddenly felt his eyes being burned with hot tears that caused a lump in his throat as he tried his best not to cry and let it out. Not in front of Gingerbrave. But the way he was pulled into a hug, a loving and genuine hug, he couldn't keep his wall up anymore.

Wizard sobbed. Ugly cried, even. He buried his face deep into the other's shoulder, clinging in tightly as Brave gently held him close. It was something he's always wanted, something he never ever got that he'd even want to just get crumbled over because it was something he knew he wouldn't get. But he got it. Wizard got a hug. From someone he cares so deeply about.

"I'm here.. Wizard," Gingerbrave spoke softly as he continued holding Wizard. He didn't dare pull away from the crying cookie, he didn't even want to . He never realized how badly the other was hurting, and he felt guilty for it. He felt guilty that he wasn't Wizard's wake up whistle. "I'll never leave you..," he spoke once again and felt more tears drop into his shoulders.

The train kept going, so as the sun and moon. Rising and fading.

/this was heavily a comfort chapter/

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