Timekeeper - Slow dance till the world ends..

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[ angst— T^T ]

[ Washing Machine Heart — 🎶 [slowed]

As String gummy watched the director disappear before his eyes and watched everything around him disappear, there was a loving couple holding each for dear life as they both watched everything around them disappear. The only thing the two did was slow dance together and hold each other as tight as they could, while one hums a familiar song and the other cry of what they could've done together..

[ in the Abyss of Ephemeral Flow..]

"My lovely pastry..no more tears please..everything is gonna be alright..."  The ruler of Ephemeral Flow said as they held there beloved and caressed her cheek with their hand. "But..we never have got to do what we've always wanted...we won't be able to have a child together anymore..and—" she kept sobbing softly and leaned into her partner's chest. "Don't worry about that my beloved...just listen to my humming okay? At least we have each other right?..." they said while looking down at their Mistress of Time. "Your right...let's never forget about each other.." she said with a soft smile and looked up at them. "There's that sweet smile...no need to be upset, in every and each time line we'll always have each other my love.."

The two just danced around slowly on top of a broken cogwheel while humming the same tune. "I'm glad I get to spend our final moments together puddin..you always know how to make a situation better.." she said as she kissed them softly. "Same here, I've always felt so relaxed in your presence, it's also my job to make things better for you, your my wife after all.." they said with a light chuckle, as they looked around they saw everything disappearing and turning white, they felt themselves tear up after so long and all they did is held onto their beloved pastry tightly. "It's time ~ I love you Cappuccino.." "I love you too Timekeeper..." they both looked at each other and kissed one another for one last time. They both disappeared, everything around the two was gone.

People say whenever you go threw a time rift, you could still feel both the lovers presence, a soft, warm yet mysterious feeling. An endless feeling of love and compassion of what they felt for one another. A few said they've seen at one point two people minding their own business and are just enjoying being with each other, light laughter is heard sometimes. The loving presence gets stronger if you go near a dangerous time rift which leads to 'The Abyss of Ephemeral Flow' nobody is able to go there without the fear of getting stuck in it.

Very gay TimeKeeper and Cappuccino scenarios, other stuff tooOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora