Kassandra Kai / Malfoy

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*calms self down*

Now that's out there let's precede. This OC is based off of myself.

Hogwarts House: Slytherin 💚🐍🐍💚

Blood Status: Pureblood 

Godly Parent: Hades 

Powers: Excellent shadow-control, able to create anything out of shadows including weapons and shadow creatures which she then controls (food not included.) 
                  Shadow travelling
                  Slight ability to warp the Mist to create cover
                  Can summon and talk to, but not control, ghosts

Weapons of choice: Shadows; Harry Potter-world wand made of yew wood and a dragon heartstring core, 13 inches, and quite rigid, shrinks into a ring at the base of her right hand's middle finger; Nico di Angelo's old sword which was cut down from 3 feet/36 inches/90 centimeters to 2 feet/24 inches/60 centimeters to be slung across her back; twin revolvers that shrink into identical rings just above the second joint on her left and right hand middle fingers. Growing up in the Wizarding World, she instinctively turns to her wand for self defense, but fear of breaking it has trained her to use it only as a last resort.

Fatal flaw: Explosive, tends to hold grudges, can be too ruthless

Birthday: September 18th, and she's twelve years old. 5'3

Best friend: Hazel Levesque or Scorpius Malfoy

Things she enjoys: Reading, hanging out with friends (Social enough for Hades child,) being active, and enjoying nature. 

Nickname: Kass

Kassandra Kai / Malfoy is a demiwitch, or in other words half-demigod half witch. Her maternal mother, Catherine Kai, passed away when she was five and right before the incident was brought to Camp Half-Blood. Since she was so young, and the world was in danger of ending, she was not claimed. 

Unbeknownst to her, Hades, her father, had arranged with Draco Malfoy to say that he was her uncle. The summer she turned eleven, she was taken to the Malfoy mansion and raised there, not going to camp that year. 

During her first year at Hogwarts, a monster attacked her. She used Avada Kedavra and exploded it. Draco took her to camp and told her that from now on she was to go there for the summers. 

As it was the habit for Hades children, she was claimed at exactly 3:13 AM. 

She can be seen walking around camp with a black Camp Half-Blood T-shirt, a skull hoodie, black skinny jeans, and combat boots. (Good ankle stability and arch support.) Her obsidian sword, a birthday gift from Nico and Tyson, is usually worn slung across her back for easy draw and maximum convenience. Tyson did shrink the sword from three feet to two feet because the original size didn't match her height. Having Nico as a mentor, she was able to master the art of sword-fighting fairly quickly, although she still needs much improvement. Annabeth has taught her a swift and deadly mix of martial arts and kickboxing. She is now able to fight and move with the sword with ease. She also had to suffer a couple of strained wrists to become a sharpshooter.

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