Introductions thingy :P

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Hi :>

So- I know if this is spirit animals you would technically be known as "Keeper" and not
"Y/N", buttttt, Y/N fits much better and plus I don't wanna just write all of spirit animals just adding the reader in there XD

Soooo, yeah. Here you shall be able to vote for what the reader's spirit animal will be and what their family's role is in Erdas (also where they live cuz I haven't thought this book through at all XD). The choices for spirit animal are:

A snake Y/N names Hazen

A snow leopard Y/N names Angel

A bear Y/N names Ian

A buzzard Y/N names Kian.

Personally I would vote for Kian but reader's choice -w-

Family roles are:



Guards and healers

Or just straight up Greencloaks XD

So yeah, Vote in the comments for this :P

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2022 ⏰

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Sucked into an unknown universe (Y/N Spirit animals story >:D)Where stories live. Discover now