(44) As Above, So Below

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  Thirty-three weeks pregnant, the baby has been kicking non-stop and especially the Braxton hicks were painful as heck. Aleksi has been trying to make me feel comfortable, we decided to take a walk because the fresh air is good, but I've been absolutely exhausted. I have been quite irritated, God I just wanted this baby out of me. It was midnight, and I saw that Aleksi was still working.

I sat in the studio with him keeping him company and giving him his fifth coffee, just trying his best to stay awake in order to mix the music. I yawned, I lay on his couch trying to relax my back.
"Aleksi baby, you look exhausted, and should get some sleep." I said with a sigh, while I could feel my eyes closing. The baby kicked again.
"Oh fucking hell, when will this baby get out of me!" I whined while I lay on my side, but it was getting worse.

Aleksi walked over to me while yawning. He held my hand with a smile and I could see his blue eyes were exhausted.
"Come on this can wait, let me just save the work and let's get some rest." Aleksi said with a smile. I nodded. Aleksi saved his work and he helped me off the couch, we were smiling at each other.

"We can do this." Aleksi said while we entered our room, and we snuggled up and slept. I couldn't believe that I would be marrying this man, especially I was eight weeks out until I was going to have this baby. Finally, I just wanted to be closer, but it was harder when you got a massive bulging belly. Although the sweetest thing is that he was so patient with me, he made sure that I was safe, and he cared about us. Aleksi closed his eyes, his face was buried into the crook of my neck. I found myself playing with his hair, I sighed.

(The Next Day)

We were invited to my parent's house for dinner, I was big as hell and walking around in heels was exhausting. I got dressed in a black off the shoulder dress with my black Doc Martens, Aleksi wore a nice shirt which had some floral designs, and he looked amazing.

"You look so handsome." I said with a smile, while I added finishing touches to my make-up. I know that Aleksi's family would be present also, Aleksi drove us along with his parents. I ran my hand through my burgundy hair.

"So have you folks decided when you will be getting married?" Mrs Kaunisvesi asks me, Aleksi drove and chuckled.
"Well, when we have the baby, but it is going to be hard because I will be going away on tour and Lilith will need as much help as possible." Aleksi explains. I smiled at him. I was so happy that the boys were making it big. They got their US dates, and it was exciting, and especially their new album would be coming on 8th July, it made me happy.

"Maybe an autumn wedding or spring wedding sounds nice, huh?" Aleksi asks me with a smile.
"Honestly... It doesn't matter to me. We will figure it out soon." I said with a smile, while we pulled up to my house.
"Wow, Lilith what a charming mansion." Mrs Kaunisvesi said to me with a smile, I laughed. Our home was quite charming, I knocked on the door and saw Paisley answer the door.

"Ah Miss Lilith and Mr Aleksi, please come in. Your mother and father are in the dining room." Paisley said, my mum already had my younger brother. I held little Luka in my arms, while I bounced him. He was the cutest, he totally inherited the Pendragon genes. I bounced him on my lap, while he began playing with my burgundy hair. Aleksi was playing peek-a-boo with him.

"Ah Lilith and Aleksi you came, I see you brought along your mother and father. Welcome to the family." My mother said with a smile, she was always the warmest person, although our family and money, we believed that it was very important to treat people with respect.

"Mum little Luka is so adorable, he totally has the Pendragon's nose." I said with a giggle, Aleksi was sitting close to me, while his hand was on my knee.

"You're such a natural with him! You will make a great mother." Aleksi whispers, while Luka starts to reach for Aleksi and I hand him the baby, while his parents were watching us. They were whispering something.

"Alright, dinner is served." My mother said while we all followed them. We were enjoying a nice time.

"So I remember that you didn't think that my daughter was good for your son." My mother said, I laughed.

"Yes you see. I was stuck up thinking that she wasn't good with Aleksi. And good for him, but my son was really different. Who am I to stand in between love?" Mrs Kaunisvesi said.

Luka was getting fidgety and I decided to put him down, I put in his pacifier and put him in his crib. Sooner or later I was going to be a mother, and I had to prepare myself.

I was walking out until a sharp pain, it felt like a Braxton Hicks cramp. I held onto the banister, I saw Aleksi rush over to me.

"Babe are you okay?" Aleksi asks me while he helped me down the stairs.
"It's one of those cramps." I said, holding onto Aleksi.

"Come on love, maybe we should head home. You look exhausted." Aleksi whispers and I nodded. The dinner  went well. My mum and Mrs Kaunisvesi were talking about wedding preparations. Glad to see them getting along, even my dad and Mr Kaunisvesi were too.

Aleksi dropped his parents off to their home, we got home. Rilla rushes over to us.

"We will see you soon." I whispered to my bulging belly. We would be meeting our little one soon, we had packed the bag just in case.

"The boys are making a bet that we will have a baby boy! Whereas Niko thinks it will be a baby girl." Aleksi said with a laugh.

"Oh they're already betting, huh?" I said with a laugh, while we both got into bed. I was so tired, I turned on my side, while Aleksi placed a kiss on my cheek. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

(The Next Day)

 The boys decided to visit us. Joel, Niko, Olli and Tommi were here. I was in the kitchen preparing food, Joonas had arrived a little late. I saw Tommi entered the kitchen, he kept me company as he helped me get things down from the high shelf. Until I felt a Braxton Hicks cramping again.

"Ah shit!" I said, while Tommi rushes over to me and sits me down turning off the stove, he called in Aleksi.

"Lilith what's wrong?" Tommi asks me, while Aleksi got me a drink of water.

"It's like these Braxton hicks cramps, they fucking hurt!" I said while Tommi stayed with me, making sure I was okay.

"Maybe you should relax a little, come and sit down. We can take care of the food." Tommi said, while Aleksi helps me over, and I sat in between Joonas and Joel.

"Lilith, are you okay? You look a little pale." Olli said. God, I was pregnant, not disabled, but I know that they were concerned about me. Joel offered me a cookie, and I was beginning to feel a little better.

"You boys are very concerned! I appreciate it." I said with a smile.

A/N: Two more chapters, there will be a bonus one....Will Lilith's baby be okay? Do you think they're ready to be parents? Next chapter will be up tomorrow! - Nantia

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