(1) Her Demise

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Lilith ~

After a long day of job hunting, I decided to do something crazy and open up a dating account. It was called Getsomeromance.com and thought to give online dating a try.

I laid on the couch in the living room on my belly and decided to sign up. As it asked random questions about the type of sex you liked, the type of music and what your favourite colour? All the generic things one would want to know about you.

My front door opened and I saw my roommate Faith walk in, taking off her jacket and hanging it up.

"Long day huh?" I asked her and she nodded, rushing into her room and began to dress up. She was gorgeous, she had raven hair and olive skin and looked very Mediterranean.

"Have you spoken to your parents about the lease yet?" Faith asks me, I looked up at her and nod.

"Yes I'll sign it over to you and they'll stop paying eventually. Also, I've been applying to some jobs, if you'll allow me sometime before moving out." I tell Faith.

"Wow that's good, you've been quite productive then. Is there anything else?" She asks me.

"Well, I've joined an online dating account." I said while watching her get ready.

"Meet anyone yet?" She asks me, while sitting down and pulling on her heels.

"Not yet, I just started I'm not a machine!" I mumble.

"Seriously how long has it been since Spencer. Aren't you horny?" She asks me, which caused a chuckle to escape my lips.

"Yes of course I'm horny! But at the same time, I'm lazy, especially it's been hard to find the right one since Spencer." I said with a sigh.
Until we heard the door open and Faith's boyfriend Mark walks in and says.

"I knew you two were talking about sex behind my back, and Faith's right you should totally go for it." Mark says to me while placing a soft kiss on Faith's forehead. They were so fucking cute!

"Well at least you've taken your first step, well I'm going to a party and you can join." Faith says, I rushed and got ready.

I pulled on a pair of ripped jeans, a sparkly crop top with my favourite heeled booties and a bright red leather jacket. I got my bag, we walked toward the bar. But the bouncer stopped me from entering.

"Sorry miss but you're quite young sweetheart take it as a compliment!" The bouncer said, I sighed.

"Can you tell me exactly how one can lose their ID?" Faith asks exasperated. I shrugged, being a 22 year who graduated with a pre-med degree you would think I would be more organized, but a lot of things had been on my mind.

"Hello Lilith, good to see you!" I heard that familiar voice I thought that I would never see or hear ever again.

"Hello, Spencer!" I said with a grimace. He stood with a blonde-haired girl and blue eyes. You see Spencer was my ex-fiancée we studied medicine together until he broke up with me.

"You're looking good! Oh, this is Ashley my girlfriend you see we were together for quite a long time!" Spencer says to his girlfriend.

"Oh wow really Spencer? We were actually more than that." I said. God, could this day get any worse?

"I had no idea he would be here!" Faith says apologetically. I shrugged my shoulders.

"You know Faith, I am going to head on home. I need a drink!" I said, and hugged both her and her boyfriend and walked toward the chilly night of Oulu and headed back home. I had a red bottle of wine out, and I walked toward my gold Macbook and decided to speak to someone potential match.

"Get on that dating site and find a cute guy and just move on already!" Faith says shooing me away and the bouncer looked at me with a little smile.

I got home and sat on my couch dressed in a comfy black shirt and decided to browse through the potential guys. Nope, they weren't that great. Until I stumbled across one, he looked quite cute, something like a model. Raven black hair with the most striking blue eyes, a nice profile and very easy on the eyes.

His name: Emoboy97

I took a drink of my red wine, which I had poured in my wine glass and took a deep breath and decided to tap on my keyboard.

Lilith Immaculate: Hey

Emoboy97: hey there, how's it going?

Lilith Immaculate: fantastic, how about you?

"Okay come on the bar is so so low!" I muttered to myself.

Emoboy97: same

"Okay so what to write? What to write?" I asked myself while doing the last sip of wine I had left in my glass.

Lilith Immaculate: I'm about to get sexiled by my roommates. Do you want to hang out?

Emoboy97: Are you thinking of a bar?

Lilith Immaculate: I actually was thinking about your place.

Emoboy97: Isokatu 87, 12 C.. Sorry, pretend that took me a few moments to write.

Lilith Immaculate: haha, no worries I am coming from Hellenski.

Emoboy97: I'll have some Gatorade on each stop then haha.

"Oh wait, shit! I should vido chat him." I thought to myself.

Lilith Immaculate: Hold on, we should video chat and maybe you could show me your flat. You know maybe you're a serial killer, have to make sure there are no newspaper clippings.

Emoboy97: Sure sounds like a good idea!

Emoboy97 is calling on video

I took a deep breath and answered, oh my goodness it really was him! He wore a black shirt which said Bleak clothing, his hair was shaggy and those bright blue eyes.

"Wow you're really pretty, I like your hair colour!" He says with a smile.

"Thanks, so what is your name?" I asked him.

"Aleksi." He says, wow even that name suited him.

"So you're getting sexiled huh? This is my flat and hope I do not seem that scary!" He said, even his voice sounded very soft and sweet.

"No, not at all. I'll see you soon!" I said while we hung up.

I decided to get on a nice outfit, I put on a pair of black ripped skinny jeans, with some black combat boots and a baggy Iron Maiden shirt and shoved my hair up into a ponytail. I grabbed a few comfortable clothes and decided to head over to his house. I arrived at the large flat building or complex. I buzzed on 12C and waited for the downstairs door to open. My combat boots clicked against the shiny floor and waited for the lift to arrive.

I approached 12C and the black-haired man opened up, oh my goodness he was even more handsome and cute in person.

"Are you going to stand out here and stare at me or are you coming in?" He said with a chuckle.

I laughed, I noticed that he had some black and grey tattoos, I took off my shoes and hung up my jacket. I placed down my bag somewhere, he seemed to be quite the metal head.

"So? I have wine, beer or vodka?" He says.

"Let's go with the vodka!" I said with a laugh, we sat on his couch and downed a couple of shots.

The only thing I remembered was sitting on his lap and kissing and the rest was a blur.

A/N: Hello everyone! This is my new Aleksi story. What do you think of the first chapter? I was watching Two Night Stand and figured that it would be an interesting concept to use as an Aleksi story? - MyVictim

Our female lead is being played Alex Dromae as Lilith Immaculate. Stay tuned for chapter 2.

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