(33) Afraid of the way I'm feeling when I say

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Lilith was getting ready for her date with this Tyler guy. I decided to call Olli over and we decided to get going with the fort, and we had many Polaroid moments of Lilith and I. We tagged everything.

"Are you sure this will work?" I asked Olli and my sandy curly haired friend nodded.

"Yes it will work." Olli says, while we got the fairy lights up too. Olli sighs and smiles.

"Aleksi she will be back to you." Olli says with a smile. I hoped so. I closed the fort. I was nervous what if she didn't remember.

I hope he was right, if not Lilith was lost to me forever. That Tyler bloke would have her. But I'm willing to do anything, in order to get her back.


I added finishing touches to my make-up and I stood smoothing out my grey dress:

 I added finishing touches to my make-up and I stood smoothing out my grey dress:

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I sat on my bed and pulled on my knee heeled block boots. My black hair was curly, I took a deep breath and walked out.

I saw Aleksi and Olli sitting and drinking some beer and they were talking. I was ready to meet Tyler, he would be picking up from upstairs.

"Wow Lilith you look beautiful." Aleksi whispers, while he whispers and makes twirl and I smiled. God his touch made me feel alive and burn.

"Thank you!" I whisper and I heard the doorbell ring, I was nervous. I grabbed my bag and saw Tyler standing there. He handed me a  bonquet of black tulips. I smiled at him.

He takes them out of my hand and shoos me away on my date. Something wasn't adding up, something felt strange. I didn't feel the spark I felt with the black haired and blue eyed man.

The lift door closes, Tyler was nice and all. But there was no spark there between us. We were sat and laughing.

"Lilith there's no spark between us. I'll still be your friend. I can see there's some unrest  in your eyes. You love him." Tyler says while his tattooed hands grips mine.

I closed my eyes and a flashback with Aleksi, when I saw the date we had in a restaurant and that we kissed. Every little moment mattered to me.

Tyler was telling me something funny but I found myself being so distracted. Then something came back to me.

Fuck! I just fucked a guy, well a really good looking guy but now I'm a mess. So stupid. There was something about his manner that I liked. His voice was so soft, the way his black hair glistened under the light, those ocean blue eyes piercing my soul. God why was he so fucking perfect?

The whirlwind of emotions were going through my mind that I kept crying. Until I felt a hand on my shoulder which caused me to jump. It was Aleksi, his bright blue eyes staring at me with concern.

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