[5] Princess

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Heavy violence in this chapter and detailed suicide.

Reader POV

My two boys Zhisong and Luiwei were born on December 7th.

Luiwei was born looking exactly like his father while his brother Zhisong looked like my brother-too much so that I almost named him Jianyu.

"Congratulations," Brita said as she and the other maids said as they cleaned up the mess, another lady in waiting handing me my two sons.

"Dark times are coming," my grandmother said as she closed her eyes. "I saw it in meditation this morning."

I looked down at my two boys and I could already sense a darkness in Luiwei and Zhisong only radiating pure energy.

In fact Luiwei was sputtering black flames in his eyes while his twin's eyes glowed golden then the lights died.

Grandmother shook her head in sorrow. "These two will cause the destruction of the world, (y/n). You may try to stop it, but it cannot be stopped."

"Grandmother, I will protect my children at any cost," I said to her sternly. "I don't care what fate says; they're still my children."

"Tainted with the blood of the Zenin throne!" Grandfather spat as he and my parents entered. "Countless people have died, little one."

"For the price of freedom, I knowingly gave up my own," I said. "And I have no regrets, only that I did not kill Prince Naoya when I had the chance."

"Then why didn't you, child?!" Grandfather snapped. "He would've been slain by one distantly related to the Gojo imperial family."

I looked at him with confusion. "Distantly related?"

My grandmother took my children out my arms, nodding. "It's time you learn about the truth of the Ling family, little one."

Everyone except my mother left and the door was shut.

"My precious daughter, what I'm about to tell you is a secret and should not be told to anyone, including the girls and your sons." Mother took off the pendant she wore, opening it for the very first time.

Inside was the seal of the Gojo imperial family.

"I don't understand,"

Mother closed her eyes and placed her hands on mine. "When I was younger, I lived as a princess. The sister of the crown prince; Prince Katsume Gojo."

"Wait...you're the long-lost Princess Sona Gojo?" I stared at my mother with disbelief. "How is this possible?"

"It's simple, really. My father, Eternal Emperor Shen had two wives. Katsume's mother died in childbirth before Emperor Shen met and married my mother. When the Zenin forces sieged the palace, I was rescued by your father who was then the captain of the royal guard."

"To protect me, my brother told everyone that I had died in the massacre and my body set aflame. The only reason why I haven't gone back was because I was pregnant with Jianyu then," Mother explained. "And if the Zenins knew I was pregnant, they would've really killed me."

"I was given a new name. Sona Jiao, a noblewoman from a very distance province. And only then was I allowed to marry your father as two people within the palace knew I was alive."

Mother put the locket's cover back on, shaking her head in sadness. "When my mother Empress Consort Sorano heard I had died, she used my half-brother's sword and killed herself. Katsume delivered her locket to me in secret after visiting you."

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