An Ill Fated Relationship?

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Y/N's dad: Ok then..Come to the **** restaurant at 3.30 p.m we have to discuss about ur marriage..I found a good boy for you..

Y/N : WHAT!!!!! Dad please no... (I said I while Crying....My heart is about to explode bcz of what he just said...)

Y/N's dad: Don't try to cry like a baby..You're an adult so NO OBJECTIONS..You have to come..also he is the son of a friend of mine and you know him very well..

Y/N : I don't know who is that boy..But dad this is my life..I'm the one who should find the right partner for me ...

Y/N's dad: Y/N!!!!! DO AS I SAID!!!!THAT'S IT
(With that he left)

Y/N's mom:Baby..Don't cry..Hmm???Dad wants to find the right partner for you..That's why he acted like that

Y/N : But mom..Mom knows that I won't  disappoint you two..I want to find the boy who likes the real me..And also you know I won't work against you two..

(I said while crying...I don't know why did he act like that??What about Heeseung??What should I say to him???I can't lose him..I love him)

Y/N's mom: I know my sweetheart...but endure this until Tomorrow...If u don't like him you can reject him..The choice is yours

Y/N : But dad???

Y/N's mom : Shhh..Everything will be alright..Ok???Now go..take a wash & sleep well..Don't think too much ...Oherwise You might get sick..Good Night baby

(Then I went to my room & took a wash..Then my phone buzzed..It's Heeseung...What should I do now??I thought..then I opened the chat and read it)


Heeseung : I came home Love🌹It's night let's talk tomorrow..Now sleep..Good night My Pixie 🧚🏻‍♀️♥️

(My problems vanished away after seeing sweet he is??Why can't dad accept my choices??? Heeseung always here & there for me..sigh* I should tell him but how??? ..He will get upset..Then I replied..)

Y/N : Ohh okie🥰Good night Hee💕Sweet dreams💜I'll sleep now..I'm so tired☹️


Y/N's mom's POV

Y/N's mom : Honey..Why did you shout at her..I feel bad about her..You should've told her the truth..Also you didn't let me to tell her..This will ruin their friendship..What would you do if she already likes someone else ???Mmm...

Y/N's dad : Let's stop talking about that..I'm sleeping

Y/N's mom: Sigh*


Next Day

@ College

(I was staring at the space while thinking about yesterday incident..Suddenly A rose came in front of my face and heard a familiar voice..I already know who it was)

Heeseung : Gud Morning My Lady ...This is for youuu...(he spoke behind me so I turned to him & took the flower..I don't know how to react)

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