Chapter 26

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I need to talk to Léo about Eleanor but I'm not sure how. Maybe I could just not tell him. It's none of his business anyway right? Why would he care?

"Eleanor is staying with us!" He hissed when I went to grab a drink
"Correction, she's staying with me, you're also staying with me. There is no us." Was that cruel?
"There's no us? That's not the impression you were giving earlier."
"I was bored okay? I hate these stupid parties."
"I knew I shouldn't have wasted my time with you." Léo rolled his eyes and stepped backwards "I never should have wasted my fucking time on you."
"Why did you? I'm a prince. What did you expect? A fairy tale wedding and cute date nights every Tuesday?" I said and this time it was my turn to role my eyes.
"Not a Tuesday. Saturday."
"We were never gonna have that." I told him sipping at my champagne.
"You wanna make a bet on that?"
"Not particularly, no. I don't."
"Tell me you wanna marry her."
"This is really cringey." I said finally looking away from his brown eyes which had turned hard and cold again.
"I actually pity you."
"I don't want your pity." I said turning and waking away to the garden but he did something no one had ever done before. He followed me.

"What the hell are you doing?" I glared
"I'm walking with you."
"You are below me Léo, when I turn my back on you, you leave. Do I need to remind you that you are not my equal?"
"I'm not gonna leave."
"Stop being the romantic main character, because you're not. This isn't some fucking love story. We're not gonna be together!" I said raising my voice luckily we were in the garden and no one could hear.
"Fuck that. I don't care who you are."
"Then go find some other dude."
"I don't just give up. I thought Prince's didn't either."
"I don't want you Léo." I sighed.
"I'm not in love with you."
"I'm not gonna crawl into a ball and never leave my house again. I'm not gonna beg, I'm not gonna be a psycho, I'm not gonna break into your house and watch you sleep. I'm not gonna write a crippling love song. I'm not gonna cry for you."  I know it shouldn't but that stings a bit.
"What's your point?"
"I don't love you. I haven't fallen for you in the week I've known you. I'm not that easy. I'm not one of those girls who simps for you because you're hot. I'm never gonna be that guy. I'm not shallow. I'm romantic and complicated, I'm honest and real. I want to fall in love with you slowly and hurt when I fall and you don't. I wanna feel crushed when you reject me but you aren't giving me a chance you're just giving me a couple hickeys and the odd kiss. Let me feel something, Type."

"That was a cute speech." I shrugged but the words caught in my throat.
"You're a dick."
"Yeah I am. You want me to hurt you and I will but not in the way you want. Leave me alone."
"Léo please."
"Do you want to marry Eleanor?"
"Yes." I said looking around the garden.
"Do you want to marry Eleanor?" He repeated. But this time I didn't answer. "As soon as you can tell me you really love her and want to marry her then I will leave and I won't come back."
"What do you want from me?" I closed my eyes not wanting to hear him any longer.
"I want you to know what you're missing out on."

"You're torturing me!" I screamed I know people could hear but at that moment a line of guards appeared at the door facing away from us so nobody could get any closer. "I can't ever have what I want so stop dangling it right in front of my face! You know what I want!" I'd already started crying now and Léo looked really concerned. But now I'd started I didn't know how to stop. "No matter how much you try I can never choose what you want me to! I can never choose what I want! Don't waste time! You know how precious it is. Don't waste it on me." I cried, my knees buckled falling to the floor but Léo caught me in his arms.
"I want to waste my time on you." He whispered quietly as it seemed we had a crowd and there were cameras on us that even my guards couldn't keep pushing away.
"It hurts." I sobbed

"He's had a bit too much to drink." Léo said to the crowd forcing a laugh. "A bit too happy for the husband and wife to be." The crowd murmured between themselves but after a few seconds of silence the guards started pushing them away again and the audience I had went back to the party.
"Please leave me alone." I croaked between sobs and I felt two strong hands lift me up but they weren't Léo's.
"I'm taking you home now, your Highness."
"Thank you Simon." I took a couple breaths composing myself and he lead me out the back door.

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