A Short Trip to the Town

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It was the next day, and Camilo woke up to Mirabel sewing with an empanada in her mouth. "Morning mi primo!" Said Mirabel, taking the half-eaten empanada out of her mouth to greet her groggy cousin.

"Food?" Was the first word out of Camilo's mouth that morning. Mirabel chuckled and gestured to a plate of empanadas beside her. "Grab one." Said Mirabel, Camilo not even hesitating to grab one and stuff the entire thing in his mouth. "Oh wow, okay." Said Mirabel, staring at the empanada that used to be there.

"How's the dress?" Asked Camilo, barely understandable through his empanada chewing. "Uh, it's going fine. I'm gonna have to go into the village to get some more threads and fabrics though." Said Mirabel, picking up the plate of remaining empanadas and gestured for Camilo to follow her.

After they left Casita, Mirabel, who was pulling Camilo by the arm, made a beeline towards the fabrics shop in the town. "It's too early." Moaned Camilo, making Mirabel give him a weird look. "It's 10 in the morning. What do you mean?" Camilo just glared at her before groaning and letting himself get dragged around like a ragdoll.

"Heya Madrigals!" Greeted Abrán, the 21-year old son of the Navarro's, the owner of the shop. "Hola Señor Abrán!" Greeted the cousins, one a bit more lively than the other. "Why'd you drag Camilo with you this time?" Asked Abrán, following them inside to assist them if needed.

"He wants something made." Said Mirabel, picking up two fabrics and comparing them to one another. "Can I ask what?" Asked Abrán, leaning against one of the shelves stacked with tall rolls of fabric. "It's a dress." Murmured Camilo, turning a bit red and avoiding eye contact.

Abrán, who his mother would often describe as deaf in one ear, furrowed his eyebrows. "Could you speak up a bit? It's fine if you don't though." Camilo hunched over a bit before saying it again, in a much louder tone. He glanced at Abrán, who was looking at him with a plain expression.

"You're not... Surprised?" Asked Camilo, straightening back up in confusion. "Well, I've got a sister who doesn't like the idea of dating anyone so I'm not really surprised that the shape shifter of la familia Madrigal is questioning their identity." Said Abrán nonchalantly, walking over to a struggling Mirabel, who was trying to stop a mountain of threads from burying her. Camilo smiled before following him to help his poor cousin.

"Gracias Señora Navarro!" Said Mirabel, paying Señora Triana, Abrán's mother, the amount for the supplies she bought. "Have fun sewing Mirabel!" Greeted Señora Triana, waving goodbye to the Madrigals.

"That was nice, right Camilo?" Said Mirabel, glancing back at her cousin, who had a small smile amidst the pile of fabrics he was carrying with Mirabel. "Pretty nice actually. Wait, why aren't I transforming?" Said Camilo, saying his thoughts aloud and immediately transforming into Luisa, carrying all of his baggage with ease.

"It's good that you kinda had fun. Also, I'm sorry I bought way too much stuff. I was planning on making something extra besides your dress." Said Mirabel, looking a bit red from looking at all the stuff “Luisa“ was carrying. "Hey! It was your money you spent. Who am I to judge when most of these are for making that dress?" Said Camilo nonchalantly, waving at the kids as they passed by.

Mirabel looked at him before chuckling. "You're right. You really are in no place to judge." The two cousins continued telling jokes as well as idle chatter between them before they reached Casita, who opened the doors for them. "Thanks Casita!" Said the cousins, Casita moving their floor tiles in such a way that Mirabel understood it as “You're welcome“.

"Mirabel!" Said Dolores upon seeing the two headed to the nursery. "What's up?" Asked Mirabel, entering the nursery with her arms filled with sewing supplies. "Did you do what I asked?" Whispered Dolores, Mirabel nodding as confirmation. "Yup! Didn't know Tío was a nice guy. Especially from all the stories I heard from the townsfolk." Said Mirabel, sighing and sitting down at her workbench.

"Yeah, Tío Bruno's an absolute softie." Said Camilo, shifting back and sitting on Mirabel's bed. "You brought him to Tío?" Asked Dolores, a bit surprised. "Yeah, why?" Asked Mirabel, grabbing one of the newly bought threads and hooking it up to her sewing machine. "It's nothing, just a little surprised is all. He really does need the company." Said Dolores, sitting on the opposite bed.

"By the way, how's Isa?" Asked Camilo, sitting with his knees close to his chest. "She's bummed, to say the least. Hasn't left her room since the argument with Abuela." Said Dolores, making Mirabel stop and look at her. "Really? Has she been leaving for the bathroom at least?"

Mirabel sighed of relief when Dolores nodded. Camilo smirked. "Caring for Señorita Perfecta Isabela I see~" Said Camilo, grinning a little. "She's my sister. Of course I care." Said Mirabel, turning back to her work. "If you do care, then you'd go and see her." Said Dolores, making Mirabel stop again.

"You don't mind if this takes a little longer, right Cami?" When Camilo shook his head, Mirabel grinned and ran out. Mirabel stopped running when she was in front of Isabela's door. Mirabel hovered around for two minutes before finally knocking. Another minute passed before she internally debated and let herself in.

"Isa? Hey, are you okay?" Asked Mirabel, cautiously stepping inside the room. It was quiet before the sound of leaves rustling startled Mirabel. Slowly coming down, Isabela was glaring at Mirabel. Mirabel, who wasn't used to Isabela full on glaring at her, shrunk back a little.

"Let's see, Abuela yelled at me because it wasn't her “perfect night“, I yelled back at Abuela, making her angrier than ever, and now there's another man Abuela's arranged for me to marry." Listed Isabela, grabbing one of the blossoms off the vines and crushing it.

"Where in that sentence does it sound like I'm okay?" Asked Isabela dangerously soft, glaring once more at Mirabel.

Word count: 1026 words
I'm sorry this took so long to come out I had zero ideas how to progress this story but here we go!

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