Another Kid Meets the Rat Uncle

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Mirabel groaned, having a small headache. Casita moved it's tiles in a way that the alarm clock on her bedside table got launched in the air and landed perfectly on Mirabel's lap, the glasses following suit.

"Jeez, it's already 9 am?" Said Mirabel after putting on her glasses and checking the time. Mirabel got out of bed and did her usual morning routine to be interrupted by a knock on her door.

"Hold on!" She said, putting on her sandals with the help of Casita and opening the door to reveal a fidgety Camilo. "Cami?" She said before getting pushed back into her room.

"Jesus!" She exclaimed, plopping down on her bed after getting shoved back inside by Camilo, who was too jumpy to sit still. "Can I have breakfast first?" Said Mirabel in a light-hearted tone, making Camilo stop fidgeting. "Right, sorry." He said, calming down, embarrassed.

"It's alright Cami camaleón." She said, getting up and calling Camilo by an old nickname. "You can just wait here." Mirabel said, noticing him getting up from the old bed. "I'll be back in a few minutes with a heaping plate of food because I know how much you love my Ma's cooking." Said Mirabel, leaving the nursery to head downstairs.

"Gracias Mira mariposa." Said Camilo, leaning back into the surprisingly comfy bed.

Mirabel headed swiftly downstairs and nearly hit a column or two. When she got into the dining room, she saw a plate of pandebono with a note. She picked up the note and read it aloud to herself.

"Dear Cosa linda, Camilo says he'll just eat with you so this plate is for the both of you. If you're both still hungry, there are papas rellenas in the usual place. Love you Mirabel. J with a heart." Said Mirabel, reading out the words written in her mother's dainty handwriting.

When she flipped over the page, she smiled. "Have a great day, Miraboo!" She read aloud, reading her father's very simple and clean handwriting.

She put the note in her bag and was about to pick up the plate of delicious food when, she noticed out of the corner of her eye, a piece of paper poking out from the family tree tapestry. She walked over to it and unfolded the paper that has been browned by age.

"Hola mi sobrina! Got time to visit?" Said the note in small but nice handwriting, with a small hourglass at the end of the note. Mirabel searched around in her bag for a writing utensil and found a pencil. She used the space under the written message to write her own.

Can I bring a friend? They're familia so you don't have to worry. If so, we can visit around 2 in the afternoon, maybe earlier.

She then carefully folded it back up and wedged it into the crack in the tapestry. Mirabel then finally, grabbed the plate of food and headed upstairs back to her cousin. She missed the piece of paper containing Bruno's response though.

"Finally! What took you so long?" Asked Camilo, grinning upon seeing the colorful skirt of his cousin peek through the door left ajar. "Sorry! Mama left a note and there was a rat." Said Mirabel, setting the plate on her bedside table and taking a piece of bread, gesturing for Camilo to do the same.

The two cousins ate in silence for a good minute before Mirabel broke it. "What do you think tío Bruno looks like? Y'know, because we haven't seen him in forever." Camilo grinned and stood up before shapeshifting into a scary dramatized version of their uncle, eyes glowing and everything.

"Your future is in my hands. OooOoh~" Said Camilo, getting closer and closer to Mirabel before shifting back and tickling Mirabel. The two cousins giggled before Mirabel spoke once more. "Is that what you actually think he looks like?"

Camilo shrugged. "I don't really remember him, so, I go off of how Papi, Mami, and the townspeople see him. Personally, I think he's a weird guy who just loved being dramatic. Like me!" He said, shifting into a nicer version of what he thought Bruno looked like, almost close but not quite.

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